“Good girl.”

Pleasure rushed through her body as he called her a good girl. If he could call her that all day every day, she would be perfectly content. She loved the way it rolled off of his tongue and made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Pain spread across her ass cheek as his hand connected with her bottom.

“Owwww!” she yelled, wiggling around.

She didn’t like this one bit.

“Lay still for Daddy as he spanks you,” he said.

Sofia didn’t know how she was going to stay still for this. It hurt so bad and she wanted no part of it.

Several more swats landed on her bottom and she yelled out in pain as it radiated across her bottom.

“Please, Daddy,” she begged.

She didn’t want any more spankings. She wanted it to be over.

“Daddy,” she cried out.

“Just a couple more,” he said.

She didn’t know if she could do this for a couple more. Her bottom was on fire and aching so bad with each spanking. She tried to wiggle around to get away from his hand, but they just kept connecting.

“Stay still,” he said.

“Dadddyyyyy,” she whined.

“The next ones are going to be a little harder.”

Before she could protest, several hard smacks landed on her bottom, sending her over the edge. She sobbed and her body went limp against him. Her bottom hurt so bad.

“Shhh,” he said. “It’s going to be okay.”

He helped her stand up and held her against him for a couple seconds.

“You’re going to be okay.”

She didn’t know if she was going to be okay or not. Sofia definitely knew that her bottom wasn’t going to be. It was going to hurt for hours and she won’t be able to sit on it comfortably.

“Let’s go finish off the punishment and then afterward we can snuggle and cuddle as much as you want,” he said as he stood up.

She went to grab her onesie to put it on, but before she could, Daddy grabbed it and held onto her hand.

“Little girls do corner time with no pants on,” he said. “Their bottoms are sticking out as their nose is in the corner.”

“Nooo,” she whined.

She didn’t want to be on display when she walked into the room. Everyone would see her red bottom.

“Don’t worry. All the other Littles will have their pants off as well while they stand in the corner. You won’t be the only one,” he reassured her as they walked into the room.

Tears were still streaming down her face as Daddy walked her over towards the corner she was going to stand in. She made sure to keep her head down the whole time so she wouldn’t see anyone looking at her.

“Legs parted with your bottom out and nose in the corner,” Daddy said, helping her get into position. “If you move or talk, the time will start over. Do you understand?”

She nodded her head and sniffled several times.