“As a reminder, if it gets to be too much, say your safeword and I’ll come get you. We’ll talk about it and go from there.”
“Okay, Daddy.”
He gently tapped her bottom, making her hiss as she stood in the corner.
“Think about what you did wrong while you’re here,” he said. “I’ll come get you when the time is done.”
Sofia heard his footsteps leaving. She knew lying was wrong, but she couldn’t help it sometimes. It was a natural thing to do when she was uncomfortable or uncertain about situations. She didn’t want to make things worse if she couldn’t read the situation right.
As she looked back on the punishment, she knew it hurt a lot and her bottom was still on fire, but it also brought a sense of ease over her. She didn’t know what it was, but she liked it. Maybe it was just the guilt leaving her, but this felt different.
It was peaceful.
Jaxson sat down in the chair next to Michael and Finn. He did not expect Sofia to get into trouble tonight. She seemed like a Little who never wanted to get into trouble.
When he first saw everything happening at the table, he couldn’t believe his eyes. She looked like she was having a lot of fun, but she had broken a rule. He had struggled with whether he should punish her for a second.
Just a second.
But he remembered telling her not to throw anything at people and not to be naughty and there she was, throwing paint at the other Littles.
The look of shock when he said he was going to punish her was comical. He had to stop himself from laughing because he didn’t want to show it to her in a serious time. She needed to know she wouldn’t be able to walk all over him if they got into a dynamic.
“Charlotte has been getting even more mischievous and naughty,” Finn said. “I should’ve known not to put the paints or glitter out, but I had hoped maybe she wouldn’t start something.”
“She’s really comfortable around you,” Michael said. “Monroe has gotten out of her shell more as time goes by.”
Before Jaxson could say anything, Mac walked over and sat down. He looked exhausted.
“What’s up?” Jaxson asked. “You alright?”
“Janie,” he said. “She’s keeping me on my toes and keeping me at arm’s length.”
Jaxson knew Mac had feelings for Janie for a long time now. He was just trying to figure out the right time to make his move.
“Doesn’t she have a kid?” Michael asked.
“Yeah, she does,” he replied. “But I don’t know if that’s why she’s keeping me at a distance. It’s just so exhausting. I want her. I want her to be my Little but she won’t let me get fucking close to her.”
“Have you told her that?” Jaxson asked.
“Not flat out, but I’ve given her hints. I’ve shown her that her having a kid doesn’t bother me.”
Jaxson looked over at where Sofia was standing in the corner. He loved seeing her red bottom sticking out, showing all the Doms and Dommes in the room that he had taken care of her punishment.
“If you think it’s right, maybe you should sit her down and have that conversation with her,” Finn said. “Show her you’re serious about this. Ask her for a weekend to show her what it would be like.”
Jaxson thought about that with Sofia. Maybe he should sit them down and have a serious talk about having a relationship with her. He knew he already said he was attracted to her, but he wanted to be clearer, so she didn’t have anything to overthink.
He knew he needed to be gentle and slow with her, but at the same time, he didn’t know if that was right. Jaxson didn’t want to overwhelm her with everything, but he also didn’t want her to think about it too much and talk herself out of it.
She had stared at him several times withthatlook in her eye. He knew she was attracted to him and felt the spark between them.
“What are you going to do with her?” Leo asked as he sat down right next to him.