“Charlotte started it,” she whispered, not knowing what came over her.
“What was that?”
She looked up at him, a pout on her face. “Charlotte started it and I had to get back at her. Well, it didn’t hit her but it hit Kyle but I did manage to hit Charlotte at some point. And I shouldn’t get in trouble for it.”
He raised an eyebrow at her and crossed his arms.
“You wouldn’t be getting in trouble if you didn’t throw paint and glitter, but you did and you knew it was against the rules,” he said.
She stuck her bottom lip out even more. It was not fair.
“Pouting won’t do you any good, Little one,” he said. “Now, go clean yourself up and get into some clean clothes. Once you’re done, I expect you to come right back to me for your punishment.”
She nodded her head and started to walk towards the employee room. As she was walking, she looked around at theother Littles and saw their Daddies, Dom, or Domme’s were helping them get cleaned up.
Jealousy ran through her at the sight. She wanted Jaxson, her Daddy for tonight, to clean her up and help her make sure she got everything.
But he wasn’t.
Sofia stood nervously in front of Daddy. She had changed into a new onesie and tried to the best of her ability to get all the paint and glitter off of her. She was pretty sure she had missed several spots on her.
The mirrors in the bathroom or the employees’ lounge weren’t the best, and it was hard to see her back and hair. She just hoped she didn’t have paint or glitter in big glops on her. She didn’t want the other Littles to laugh at her because she didn’t have any help.
“Sofia,” Daddy said. “Can you turn around?”
Her face heated, and she stayed in her spot. She didn’t want to turn around because she knew she had missed a spot.
“Sofia,” he said her name again.
She let out a small sigh, putting her head down, and turned around.
“Oh, Little one,” he whispered. “Daddy’s sorry for not insisting that he should help you clean up. I didn’t want to overstep any boundaries, but I should’ve.”
Tears formed in her eyes at those words. She wished hehadinsisted that he help her clean up. She would’ve allowed him to help her.
“Let’s get this out of your hair and neck and then we’ll get to your punishment,” he said.
She kept her face down the whole time he helped clean her hair and neck, silent tears streaming down her face. It had been a long time since she had someone help clean her and she felt cared for.
“Little one,” Daddy softly said. “Can you turn around?”
Sofia turned around, but didn’t look up. She didn’t want him to know that she was already crying, and he hadn’t even started her punishment.
How pathetic was she?
She felt his fingers on her chin, lifting her head up. She tried to struggle against his grip on her chin, but he wasn’t allowing it.
“Oh, Little one,” he voice was so soft and caring. “It’s going to be okay. Do you need a hug before we get started on the punishment?”
She started to shake her head, but when he gave her a look, she nodded her head instead. She needed one, but she didn’t know if it was okay before her punishment.
He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly against him. Tears continued to run down her face as he held her tight. She couldn’t remember the last time she had a hug like this. Well, she couldn’t remember when she last had a hug, at all.
Her best friend from Chile never enjoyed being physical, which left her not getting any hugs. And when she would go scene with a Daddy Dom, they didn’t do much aftercare that involved physical touch. They would make sure she was alright, had food and water, and got home safely, but they wouldn’t touch her.