She had been deprived of physical contact and being taken care of. Jaxson doing little things for her like this was making her emotional.
Sofia was never emotional.
She could feel the warmth from him seep into her skin and she sighed in contentment. She felt safe, at home, whenever he was around her and especially when he had his arms around her.
“Now,” he said, pulling away. “Are you ready for your punishment? We’re going to do both punishments, corner time and a spanking.”
Nerves ran through her body as she thought about getting spanked. She had only ever been spanked once, and it was when she was a child and she never got spanked again. Sofia made sure she was a good kid and didn’t get into much trouble.
“I’m giving you an option. Would you like your spanking in front of everyone else or private?” he asked.
Sofia looked around the room and realized some of the Littles weren’t there anymore, but Charlotte and Monroe were and they were getting over their Daddies laps. She didn’t know how she felt about getting spanked in front of the other Littles. What if they saw?
“Sofia?” he gently asked.
“P-private,” she replied.
For her first spanking, she didn’t want to be in front of other people. What if she screamed and started to bawl her eyes out? She didn’t want to be in front of everyone when she did that.
It would be embarrassing.
“Okay,” he said. “We’ll go into a different room and once we’re done, corner time will be with all the other girls.”
She nodded her head. She didn’t really want to do corner time, but she knew she had lied to him and there was still a little guilt inside her for doing that.
Daddy stood up, grabbed her hand, and started to walk to the back.
“We’ll be back,” he said to Finn and Michael.
Sofia looked over to find Charlotte and Monroe, pants and underwear down, and laying over their Daddy’s lap. A shiver ranthrough her at the thought of being out here where everyone could see her and Daddy spanking her.
It was a turn on, but it also scared her. She didn’t know how she was going to react and didn’t want to embarrass herself or Daddy. Would Daddy be mad at her for embarrassing him? Every Daddy was different, and she didn’t know what Jaxson would do.
“Ready, Little one?” he asked.
She hadn’t even realized they had walked into a different room and were standing next to a chair. She looked around the room, trying to take everything in but there wasn’t much. It had a couple chairs, but that was it.
“This room is used for when a Little just needs to be held in a quiet room,” Daddy said. “But since it’s not being used, we’re going to use it and you can make as much noise as you need when I’m spanking you.”
Sofia looked up at him. Was she going to make a lot of noise? She hoped she wouldn’t scream, but this was going to be different from when she got spanked as a kid.
This was Jaxson, someone she was attracted to and not her parents.
“We can’t delay the inevitable,” he said as he sat down on the chair. “Can you tell me your safe word again?”
“Pina,” she softly said as she took a step forward.
“Good girl. And if this gets too much, you yell out your safeword and I’ll stop right away. We’ll talk about it and figure out what to do next, okay?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
He stared at her with a fond look on his face as she said those words. That was the first time she had called him Daddy out loud, and it felt so right. She wanted to do it again and forever, but knew tonight was the only night for now.
She didn't know if he would still want her after today. She had been naughty and he may not want her for that.
“Ready?” he asked.
She shook her head, but he gave her a small smile and tugged her towards him.