Her blush deepend as he continued to talk to her. No Daddy had ever talked to her stuffie like she was her friend. It made her feel good though because he didn’t just see Trixie as a stuffed toy but as her friend. Trixie was special to her.

Jaxson looked back at her and gave her a smile. “Are you ready to go meet the other Littles and have some fun?”

She shrugged her shoulders. While she was happy and excited to meet the other Littles, she was also really nervous. What if they didn’t like her? That was going to make things really awkward at work when she had to serve them.

“It’s going to be okay. I’ll be here the whole time,” he said.

“Okay,” she replied. “I guess I’m ready.”

“Before we go, I do need to set some rules. No cursing, no lying, no throwing things, be kind to others, and no putting yourself down. Any of these broken will result in getting punished. You already have corner time for lying to me.”

She nodded her head. She didn’t plan on doing any of those things.

“I is a good girl,” she said.

He chuckled. “You’re a good girl right now.”

“No naughty.”

“We’ll see. Maybe if you’re a good girl the whole time you can get a reward.”

She perked up at the talk of a reward. She loved rewards so much.

“Someone likes rewards,” he said. “Be a good girl for me and you can get one.”

She nodded her head and gave him a smile. “Good girl.”

“Now, let’s get you to the playdate.”

Her heart started to beat faster as they walked towards the main room where all of the other Littles were. She didn’t know if she could do this.

“Jaxson!” Littles started to yell.

Sofia immediately went behind him, still clutching onto his hand. There were a lot more Littles here than she thought there would be.

“Who’s behinds you?” One Little screamed.

“I’ve got someone special to me that’s hiding behind me,” Jaxson said. “Now, before she comes out from her hiding spot, I want to let you know that she’s super nervous to meet you all.”

A whimper escaped past her mouth. He didn’t need to tell everyone she was nervous about meeting them. They didn’t need to know

Jaxson squeezed her hands.

“Shows!” another Little yelled. “Meets her!”

She felt Jaxson start to turn around and panic went through her. She wasn’t ready to meet all of them yet.

“Sofia,” he softly said. “It’s okay. They can’t see you yet. Can you open your eyes?”

She hadn’t even realized she closed her eyes. Everything was becoming overwhelming, and she didn’t know if she wanted to continue to do this. Maybe it wasn’t supposed to happen today.

“That’s a good girl,” he whispered. “Such a good girl for Daddy.”

Sofia started to relax as she stared into his eyes.

“Ten seconds of courage,” he softly spoke to her. “If you really don’t want to be here after, just let me know and I’ll take you somewhere else. But I need you to try it first. Do you think you can do that for Daddy?”

“Y-yes,” her voice was shaky.