She didn’t know if he heard her and she didn’t want to repeat what she said again.
“You won’t be the odd one out. New Littles to the club are always welcome. They become great friends within the first couple of seconds,” he said. “They’ll include you in everything.”
Sofia still didn’t know what to do. Charlotte and Janie seemed super nice when she got them drinks, but she wasn’t sure. Getting drinks and playing while they were Little were two different things.
“I don’t know how to really act around other Littles,” she softly said, feeling embarrassed.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I’ve only ever interacted with one other Little,” she replied.
Sofia didn’t know why she was telling him this. She shouldn’t be because he didn’t need to know. Still, part of her was comfortable around him, and she felt like she could tell him anything.
He felt safe.
“Back in Chile?” he asked.
She nodded her head. They had never had a lot of Little time together. She knew her best friend was a Little, and they talked about it several times.
“Someone you were comfortable with?” he asked.
“My best friend,” she replied.
Sadness filled her at the thought of her best friend being back in Chile. It was a very sad day when she left Chile without her.Sofia was still sad about it, but her best friend supported her moving here. She even said maybe someday she would join.
Sofia knew her best friend was just saying that. No way was she moving to the United States. Both of them knew it, but it was a comfort thing.
“I know you don’t know the other Littles, but they’ll accept you for who you are. You don’t have to change or be worried and act a certain way,” he said.
She nodded her head. Jaxson knew them, and she trusted him. Maybe she should go and see if she would have a good time. She could always leave if she needed to.
“I’ll be there every second to keep an eye on you,” he said. “You’ll be safe. If anything happens, you can come to me and I’ll take care of you.”
That comforted her knowing he would be there, watching over her. It made her feel safe. She knew she would be taken care of, but would this change things between them? Before she could think any further on it, she found herself responding.
“I’ll go,” she whispered, shocking herself.
It had been two days since Jaxson had invited her to the playdate with the other Littles. Something had changed between them since he told her he would be there every second for her, watching over to make sure she was okay.
Her feelings for him before had just amplified whenever he said those words. She was trying so hard not to let those feelings grow, but he just kept saying the right things to her. He was making it so difficult.
Sofia had no clue why she said yes. Well, she did, but it surprised her. Just knowing he was going to be there, watching her specifically, did things to her. It made her feel even more safe to say yes.
It was weird.
Ever since that moment, when she came into work, she couldn’t look him in the eyes. It was hard for her because he normally gave her a smile and started to talk to her, but she didn’t want the feelings to escalate. She needed them to go away, because it was inappropriate.
He was her boss.
That was forbidden and looked down upon. She didn’t want the other employees to start nasty rumors about her or treat her any differently. Some had been wary around her and she only concluded it was because she was a foreigner.
Jaxson had mentioned to her at the interview, after she got the job, that if anyone was rude to her because she was Latina, to come to him immediately. Sofia wasn’t going to talk to him unless it got terrible. Besides, maybe the other employees not wanting to talk to her was because she was new.
It may not even involve her ethnicity.