"My necklace?" She whispered. "What do you mean?"

"Antonio knew that I was going to give you this necklace. He saw me looking at it and said he would like to place a tracking device in it," Daddy explained. "He wanted to make sure you were safe and, if anything happened, we could find you easily."

She looked down at her little cow pendant and smiled.

"Thank you, Daddy," she softly said.

"For what?" he asked.

"For saving me. For getting me this necklace. For showing me that you love me. It means a lot and I love you too. I love you so much and I don't want anyone else but you. I want you as my Daddy but I also want you as my husband."

A smile broke out on his face and she hugged him again.

"Let's get you home."

"I don't thinkMichael needs to look at my hands," Sofia whispered as they pulled into the driveway.

Ezra and Antonio were taking Lucy to the police station to turn her in. They had all the evidence from the cameras and eye witnesses to put her away. Sofia was relieved but she also felt bad for Lucy.

"I think you do," Daddy said. "Those ropes were tied really tight and bruises are already appearing on your skin."

Sofia looked down at her hands and ankles, bruises appearing where the ropes were. They ached any time she moved them, but some ice would most likely fix that problem. And medicine.

"I'm okay," she said.

"No," Daddy replied. "I'm not taking any chances. You wince when you move them, and I want Michael to check them out. It's the end of the discussion."

She nodded her head and waited for him to walk around and pick her up. He had told her on the drive that he didn't want her walking or moving much, until Michael took a look over her. He wanted to make sure nothing was broken.

She didn’t believe anything was broken. She wasn't in a lot of pain, and she didn't feel anything snap while the men kidnapped her.

"I know you don't want this," Daddy said as he opened her door. "I know you don't like to be seen by doctors, but I need this. I need to know that everything is okay because, if not, I'm going to break into the jail, find those fuckers, and kill them."

Sofia's eyes went wide as she stared at her Daddy. She was not expecting that from him, especially since he was a retired police officer.

"You can't," she said.

"And why can't I?" he asked.

"Because, then you would leave me, and I can't deal with that. I need you."

Daddy sighed. "Okay, Little one. No going in and killing them."

She relaxed in his embrace as he picked her up and started to walk towards the house.

"Is she okay?" Michael said as he held the door open.

"I think her wrists and ankles are just bruised, but I want to make sure, just in case," Daddy said as he sat down on the couch and held her against him.

She didn't want to let him go yet and Daddy must have known.

"Does anything else hurt, Little one?" Daddy asked.

"Stomach," she whispered.

It ached a little from where they kicked and punched her, but nothing like her wrists and ankles. They hurt the worst.

"I'll check her ankles and wrists first, and then will look at her stomach," Michael said as he knelt in front of them.