On purpose.
She was feeling naughty today and it felt great. She couldn’t wait to go into his office to wreak more havoc and then again when they get home.
Oh she couldn’t wait for that.
Sofia stopped in front of her locker, but before she could do anything, something was pulled over her head. A scream bubbled out of her mouth as she started to fight to get free, but arms wrapped around her.
“Shut the fuck up,” a familiar voice said.
She tried to pinpoint who the voice belonged to as she started to panic, but she couldn’t remember.
“Please,” she begged. “Let me go.”
She attempted to twist her body, but the arms tightened around her, making it even harder for her to breathe.
“I said shut the fuck up,” the man growled.
Sofia stilled for a second when she realized this person was the man who mugged her several weeks ago. It wasn’t a coincidence that this was the same man as before. Someone had hired him, but who?
She opened her mouth and screamed again. Someone had to hear her scream. The club had music on, but it wasn’t that loud and the employees room wasn’t far from the bar where Ezra was.
She just hoped that someone would hear her and investigate.
Hot searing pain erupted across her stomach as she felt a fist connect with her. She yelled in pain and attempted to double over, but the guy’s arms around her chest were holding her in place.
"I said to shut up you little bitch," the man growled in her ear.
"Let's go," another voice said. "Someone was bound to hear her scream."
Sofia wished that she didn't have the sack over her head, covering her vision. She couldn't see how many people were there with her, trying to kidnap her.
"Help!" She yelled. She needed to fight back, no matter how much pain she was going to be in. Sofia needed to alert someone that something bad was happening. "Help! Fire! Anyone!"
Her head flew to the right as a fist connected with her jaw. Pain ached all over her face and she knew she was going to have a bruise there later.
"Help," she weakly said.
"Shut the fuck up," another voice said.
Sofia felt herself starting to be dragged to who knows where.
"Good thing the lady said we could do anything to her," the same voice who she thought hit her said.
His voice was a tad bit deeper than the person who mugged her.
"Sofia!" she heard someone yell. It sounded like Ezra, but she couldn't be so sure.
"Shit," her mugger said. "Grab her legs and help me get her out and into the van."
She felt the other man grab her legs and she tried flighting, kicking, but his grip on her legs tightened and she whimpered in pain. Their grips were like steel and it hurt so much.
"Please," she begged. "You don't have to do this."
"Gettin paid," someone mumbled. "That's good enough for me."
Sofia tried to move her body to get out of their grip, but they only tightened their hold on her.
"Sofia!" Ezra yelled again.