Why was she like this?
"I've got you," Daddy said as he gently rocked them. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"
She kept her head buried in his shoulder and tried to relax enough to stop crying. She didn't really want to talk about it right now, but she knew she was going to have to. It was probably the best thing to do.
"I justs am overwhelmed," she whispered, hoping he heard her.
"I've got you, Little one," Daddy said. "Let me worry about everything. You just be my sweet, special girl who is naughty sometimes."
She giggled towards the end. "I is not naughty."
"You are and there's no arguing about that."
She completely relaxed into his embrace. He knew exactly what to do for her to calm down, to ground her.
"Now, are you ready to continue?" Daddy asked.
"Cans I put makeup on you?" she asked as she pulled away. "Pretty makeup to make you even prettier!"
Daddy shook his head. "No makeup."
"Buts Daddy!"
"No buts. No makeup on Daddy."
Sofia pouted and crossed her arms. "No fun."
"Do you want to cuddle in my arms?"
She thought about it a second, still pouting that she wasn't able to put makeup on him. Even though she was sad she couldn't, cuddles sounded amazing right now.
"Yes, Daddy," she whispered.
"Let's get into the rocking chair," Daddy said as he got up from his seat and walked over to the rocking chair. "Come here," Daddy said, patting his lap.
Sofia walked over towards him and crawled into his lap, resting her head on his shoulder. She loved falling asleep in his arms. She felt so protected and loved all at the same time.
"I love you," Daddy whispered as he started to rock the chair. "I'll always love you."
"Love you too," she yawned and snuggled into him.
"Sleep tight."
Sofia closed her eyes and felt herself being lulled to sleep.
Jaxson carefully placed Sofia down in the crib before he pulled her soft blanket on top of her. He quietly grabbed the pacifier she had been using for her naps and settled it in her mouth. She latched onto it and soothed herself back to sleep.
He could look at her for hours as she slept. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. She always did.
Jaxson walked out of the room and made his way down towards the living room. He could hear Ezra and Antonio talking and he wanted to talk to them about everything. To see if they had any leads on who this person possibly could be.
He didn't like seeing Sofia so overwhelmed and scared any time someone brought up the person who was terrorizing her. Everything in him wanted to help and make sure this never happened again.
Antonio looked up as he walked into the living room. "Is the Little Miss okay?"