He knew that the workers at This We'll Defend Security were the best of the best and what Ezra said didn't make sense. Jaxson knew that Justin, the owner and his friend, wouldn’t put up with his workers being lazy. Which made what Ezra said not make sense. It was dumb for him not to check if there was anything planted while he was out there.

"I did, but I want to check again to make sure that I didn't miss anything," he replied.

Relief washed over Jaxson as he heard those words. It hadn't made sense, and he didn't know why he second guessed what Ezra was doing.

Well, that was a lie. Jaxson was a retired cop and it was Sofia, his girl, they were trying to protect. He was going to be wary about what other people did, because it was Sofia's life on the line. It wasn't someone he didn't know, it was his Little, the woman he loved. He needed to make sure she was safe, and nothing was going to harm her.

"Can I help with anything? Do I need to do anything?" Jaxson asked.

He didn't like just sitting around and doing nothing. That wasn't how he was wired. Working on the police force for years made him want to be out there, helping in any way possible.

"No," he said. "Nothing that I can't handle. What I need you to do is make sure Sofia is comfortable, be her Daddy. And also make sure she doesn't leave the house without one of us with her. I don't want to take any chances so, if she wants to go outside or go somewhere, she needs to either have Antonio or me with her."

"So I'm not allowed to take her outside alone?" he asked.

Ezra shook his head. "Right now, no. I want to be cautious, since we don't know who this person is. While in the house, youtwo can go wherever you want, but outside you need to have one of us with you."


Jaxson knew what Ezra was talking about. They had a couple cases when he was still working as a police officer that, even though the person in danger had someone who could handle themselves and them, they wanted a police officer with them. It was protocol.

"If you need me, I'll be in Antonio's room talking and going over things," Ezra said. "Sofia, can you look at me?"

He felt her move her head.

"We're doing our best to find out who this person is. I need you to be safe so stay with one of us if you want to go out anywhere. Your Daddy can come, but Antonio or I will have to also come, just in case. It's our job to keep you safe and I don't want anything to happen," Ezra said. "Understand?"

He felt Sofia nod her head.

“Good,” Ezra said. “I’ll see you guys later.”

Jaxson held onto Sofia as he watched Ezra leave the living room. He could still feel Sofia shaking in his arms, less than before, but she was still shaking.

He knew exactly what to do to help her calm down and it would also help him some.

“Let’s go spend the evening in your room and you can be Little,” Daddy said. “I’ll take care of you, and you don’t have to worry about a thing.”



Sofia had been standing in front of the door to her Little room, staring inside. She didn't know what she wanted to do or if she even wanted to play. So many things were going on in her head.

"Come on, Little one," Daddy said as he placed his hand on the small of her back. "Let's go play."

She took another step into the room and looked around.

"Do you want to get changed first or do you want to play?" Daddy asked.

Sofia looked around before looking at her Daddy. She wanted to be comfortable, but she was worried that if she was comfortable that she would fall asleep. She didn't want to do that. She wanted to spend time with her Daddy.

"Sofia?" Daddy said her name.

She didn't want to make a choice because both sounded appealing.

"You picks?" she softly asked.

"Okay, sweetie," he said. "Let’s get you changed into a onesie, then we can play. Think about what you would like to do, but if you don't want to decide, I can choose for you."