Daddy picked her up, walked over to the closet to grab her cow onesie, before walking over to the changing table.

"Let’s get you changed really quick and then we can go play," Daddy said as he started to take off her pants before he placed her on the changing table. "Do you want to wear a diaper or your undies?"

"Undies," she whispered.

She didn't feel that Little yet and she didn't know if she ever would. Daddy had bought a small pack of diapers in case she wanted to try them, but she hadn't had the courage, so far. She really didn't know if she would ever have the courage to try one on. She had never thought of herself as that young of a Little, but maybe she hadn't met the right person, until Daddy.

"Alright, Little one," Daddy said. "Let's get you into your onesie."

Daddy slowly put on the onesie before zipping it up and placing her back on the ground. She stood there, waiting for him to say something, tell her what they were going to do.

"Do you want to color or have a tea party with Trixie and Mattie?" Daddy asked.

She thought about it for a second.

"Tea party?" she asked.

"You go grab Trixie and Mattie. I'll get the cups."

Sofia walked over towards the crib and grabbed her stuffed animals out of it. Whenever she took a nap, Daddy would place her in the crib, and she felt safe. The bars made her think that no one could get to her unless they were her Daddy, and she would fall right asleep.

She turned around and saw her Daddy setting up the little table with the cups and tea kettle. Her heart warmed knowing that he wanted to do this, and he wasn't just doing it to get it over with.

"No, Trixie," she whispered as she stared at her stuffed animal. "I knows he's not wearings proper attires."

"What are you three whispering about?" Daddy asked. "Do I need to be worried?"

Sofia shook her head quickly and stared at him.

"So, what were you three whispering about?"

She didn't know if she should tell him, but when Mattie started to talk to her, she knew she had to.

"Somefings wrongs," she softly said, worried he wasn't going to like it.

"And what's that?"

"We've gots to change your clothes! Dress you up!" she started to get excited as she thought about it. "Cans I dress you ups?"

As seconds went by with Daddy just looking at her, she started to get worried. Would he say no?

"Okay," he said. "I'll sit here and let you dress me up."

A squeal left her lips, and she ran towards the chairs, gently placing down Trixie and Mattie in their seats. Then she dashed towards her closet where she had everything.

Sofia grabbed a tiara, tutu, and a frilly purple scarf before running back into the room. She was so excited he had agreed to letting her dress him up and she couldn't wait to do it.

"You going to looks so pretties!" Sofia exclaimed as she stood in front of him.

Even with him sitting down, he was still taller than her. It made her feel small but also protected.

Daddy grimaced as she looked at him, but she didn't pay any attention to it. She placed everything down on the table, covering up the cups, before she turned back to her Daddy.

Grabbing his cheeks in her hands, she leaned forward. "Daddy?"

"Yes, Little one," he replied, his lips smushed together so it sounded funny.

She giggled, stepped on her tippy toes, and leaned her forehead against his.