She heard the door open and footsteps coming closer to them.

"Everything okay?" Daddy asked.

"We saw some activity around the perimeter. We don't know if it was the person who wrote the notes, but that’s our guess," Ezra said.

Sofia let out a soft gasp, her whole body going rigid as she opened her eyes and looked at Ezra. Shit. Why couldn't they just have a moment without something bad happening?

She held on tighter to Daddy as everything sunk in.

"Shhhh," Daddy softly said. "I've got you. You're safe."

But she felt anything but safe at this moment.



Jaxson stared at Ezra as he took in the information. There was activity near his house, and it could have been the person who wanted Sofia, his Little girl, to be gone. Who would go through this much to get Sofia to leave? Who would want Sofia to leave?

He had watched her several times interacting with people while she worked and while she was off the clock. She was never mean to anyone. She always treated people with respect and like they were her friend.

Sofia's grip tightened on his shirt, and he held her tighter.

"Shhh," he softly said. "I've got you. You're safe."

He had no clue if she believed him that she was safe, but he was trying his best to make her feel that way. He felt like he was failing in a way. How had he not been able to protect her from this? How had he not noticed that someone didn't like her and was trying to get rid of her? Jaxson thought he was protecting her and keeping her safe, but he wasn't.

And that was going to change.

"How?" Jaxson asked. "Did you see them?"

He hoped Ezra had seen the person and that this could be all over.

"Some of the cameras we placed around the house went off. They caught a person walking around, looking at the house," Ezra said.

But nothing was ever that easy. Why would it be?

"And their face was showing?" Jaxson asked.

He ran his hand up and down Sofia's back, trying to ease her worries as they talked. Maybe it was best if she was in a different room while they talked about this. He could feel her shaking against him, and he didn't like that. She was working herself up, no doubt thinking bad things.

"Antonio is looking more into it, but it looks like they were covered up, so the camera didn't catch anything," Ezra said and sighed.

Sofia started to shake more in his arms, and he held on tighter, trying to bring her a little comfort, ground her of sorts. Jaxson wondered if having something tightly around her would help her, comfort her in a way. He would have to try swaddling her the next time he put her down for a nap.

"Shhh," he said again. "You're okay. I've got you and nothing is going to happen."

She just held on tighter to him and he didn't mind one bit. He would rather her have a death grip on him than her puking and running away.

"Ezra and Antonio are doing everything they can to find this person," Jaxson softly said to Sofia.

He had no clue if she was even hearing any of this, but he hoped that she was. Sofia snuggled deeper into him if that was even possible, and he held her tight. Maybe she was listening.

"I've got you," he whispered again.

"I'll be doing another perimeter check in an hour to make sure everything is okay," Ezra said. "I'll also be making sure they didn't place anything down. Antonio said it didn't look like it, but I want to make sure."

"You didn't check while you were out there?" Jaxson asked, slightly alarmed.