
"Not yet, Little one," he said. "I need to grab your onesie and go home before I can take my shirt off."

Sofia didn't like that but stayed silent as Daddy started to walk around the room.

"Do you want to pick your onesie?" he asked.

Sofia managed to shake her head a little bit. She didn't want to make any decisions.

"Alright, Little one," he softly said. "Daddy will make the decisions. You just hold on and relax."

She loved the sound of that. There wasn't a time in her life that she hadn't made the decisions for everything and it was nice to be able to relax and not have to think about it.

"You're doing so amazing," Daddy said. "Do you have any candy? Chocolate?"

Sofia shook her head. It hadn't been on her list of things to get when she went to the grocery store. She had needed things that would sustain her and candy didn't, even if she wanted it. Her sweet tooth was huge, but she had to put it on hold when she moved to the United States.

"That's okay. I've got some in the car you can snack on while we go home," he said as he started to walk. "Do you need anything before we leave?"

"No," she whispered.

She had Trixie, and that's all she wanted. Well, and Daddy but he was coming with her.

"Alright, Little one," Daddy said. "Let’s go home."

She loved it when he called his house ‘home’ because that's what it felt like. She felt safe and comfortable when she went to his house.

"When we get to the car, I'm going to need to put you down," he softly said.

Sofia whined and held on tighter to him. She didn't want to let him go. She wasn't going to let him go.

"I know, baby," he rubbed her back. "But I promise you once we get home you can have all the snuggles you want."

It made her feel better knowing she could still get more snuggles, but it also meant she was going to have to let go for who knows how long. She knew he didn't live far, but she still didn't want to let him go, not when she just got him.

"I'm going to set you down now," Daddy said.

Her grip tightened around his shirt as he set her down on the car seat. She hadn't heard him open the door, but she also hadn't realized they walked out of her apartment and down to his car. Was she that out of it? It wasn't normal for her and it was starting to worry her.

"You've got to let me go, Little one," he gently said. "It's going to be okay."

She reluctantly let go of his shirt and leaned into the seat. She still felt so out of it, shaking, and cold. Daddy buckled her in before grabbing something out of the center console.

"You start nibbling on this while I drive home," he said as he handed her a piece of chocolate.

Sofia started to slowly eat it as he walked around the car and got in.

"You doing okay?" he asked. "Do you need anything before I start driving?"

She grabbed his hand, wanting that skin to skin contact with him.

"Okay, Little one," he said. "You hold my arm for the whole drive."

She wished this was a truck so she could sit in the middle and snuggle up against him. That was all she wanted, but she knew it wasn't safe, especially in his car. The car started moving, and she closed her eyes for a second, just wanting to go back to sleep. She felt exhausted.

"Can you eat a bit more of the chocolate?" Daddy asked.

"No hungry," she mumbled.