She perked up at the thought of getting some candy. Sofia hadn't been able to splurge on candy in a while and she had missed it. Her sweet tooth was calling out to her at the mention of candy.
"Ah," Daddy said. "You caught her attention with candy."
"I thought I would. It normally helps Littles let me examine them without a fuss if they know they are getting candy," Michael said. "Now, can I come and look you over?"
She thought about it for a second. Did she want him to come over and examine her? She really didn't, but the thought of getting some candy was sounding pretty good.
"You can either be a good girl while he examines you and you'll get some candy or he'll examine you and you won't get any candy," Daddy said. “And if after everything, Michael says you're okay, then we can go play tomorrow at the club.”
Her lip pushed out after he spoke. Either way, she was going to be examined by the doctor, whether she liked it or not.
But the idea of going through the examination and possibly going to the club with Daddy filled her with excitement. She wanted to go play with him, in Littlespace or not.
"No pouting," Daddy said. "So, what's it going to be?"
"I'll be a good girl," she whispered.
She didn't like it, but she would rather get some candy out of it than get nothing.
"Can you tell me what happened?" Michael asked.
Sofia went to answer him, but she realized he was talking to her Daddy and not to her. Part of her liked that she didn't have to answer the question and her Daddy was taking care of it, but the other part, the independent part of herself, was upset that Michael hadn't asked her. She was her own person.
"She got mugged two nights ago and apparently the guy hit her in the face and she fell," Daddy said. "She has the bruise on her face, but I suspect that she also has some bruises on her body. Sofia also had some cuts on her hands, but I took care of those. I just wanted you to come and check her over and make sure that there wasn't anything sinister that I couldn't see or wouldn't know to look for."
"It was a good idea to call me," Michael said. "I'm going to be careful when I touch your cheek and around your eye. Let me know if anything hurts."
Sofia watched as Michael knelt in front of her and placed his bag down next to him. She didn't want him touching her, but she knew it was inevitable and if she didn't complain, it would be over faster.
"The bruising is going to get worse before it gets better," Michael said as he gently started to touch around her bruise.
She winced as pain shot across her face and tried to pull away from his hands.
"Sorry, sweetie," Michael said.
He moved his hands to start feeling around again, but a whimper escaped past her mouth and she pulled her head back. She didn't want him touching her face again. It hurt a lot, and it was only going to hurt more when he touched her.
"I've got a pacifier for her. Do you think that'll be okay for her to suck on?" Daddy asked. "I think it would distract her and also calm her down while you look at her."
"I don't think anything is broken, just bruised so it should be fine for her to suck on it," Michael replied. "But I still need to feel around her eyes to make sure. I don't want to leave anything and it be bad."
Tears filled her eyes as she watched her Daddy leave the room. She didn't want him to leave her and yet he was.
"You're going to be okay," Michael whispered. "Your Daddy is coming right back."
Sofia sniffled and tried to get up, but Michael blocked her way.
"Daddy," she whimpered.
He had been gone too long, and she didn't like it. Why had he left her here with Michael? She trusted Michael, but he wasn't her Daddy.
"I know, sweetie," he said. "Daddy is coming right back. Can you be a brave girl for me until he does?"
She stared at him, and before she could respond, her Daddy walked back into the room.
"What's wrong?" he asked as he walked over towards her.
"Someone missed her Daddy," Michael said. "Didn't like that you left the room."