"I thought you would get scared after I sent the man to mug you," Lucy said. "I thought you would've left after you got the threatening messages from me."

It was starting to make more sense as Lucy spoke. Everything she hoped wasn't true was coming true. Lucy was the person behind all of this because she hated people, immigrants, who came to the United States.

"You don't need to do this," Sofia softly said. "I'll leave the city and you won't ever see me again."

Sofia didn't know if she would be able to do that since her Daddy was here. She didn't know if it would be better for her to leave the city or leave the United States in general. She loved her job at the club, and she had made friends. Would she be able to find that somewhere else in the United States?

It wouldn't be the same, that was for sure. And Sofia didn't want that. She wanted the people she had met here.

"Umm," Lucy said as she touched her chin like she was thinking. "I think not."

"I'll go to the police," Sofia threatened. "Show them the evidence of your threatening notes."

Lucy laughed. "You don't have any evidence. And are they really going to believe someone that is an immigrant? Someone who doesn't have her Green Card and who, according to a little bird, is about to lose her work visa?"

Sofia didn't know if they would believe her or not, but she had to try. But the first thing she needed to do was get away from Lucy and she didn't know how. She was tied to a chair, the ropes digging into her wrists and ankles. There was no way she was getting out of this.

"Security footage," Sofia said.

She had no clue if there was any security footage at the club or not, but she prayed that there was. Maybe then she could catch her in the act and have her arrested.

"I'm not dumb," Lucy said. "I hired someone to tamper with the security footage so they wouldn't see me come in or place the note. But someone would get framed if you did happen to show it to the authorities."

Her body went cold as she heard that. Who was going to get framed if she went to the police with the footage?

"You don't want your dear friend Monty to get taken away from her brother, do you?" Lucy said with fake worry. "That would be so bad for her brother and for her. An innocent person in jail and a young boy in foster care. Such a travesty."

Sofia didn't know what to say. What was there to say? She didn't want Monty to get framed for something that she didn't do. She didn't want her brother to go into foster care because who knows what would happen to him.

"They won't believe that," Sofia said, trying to sound so sure in that. "I'll tell the authorities that she didn't do it."

"Honey," Lucy said as she stepped closer to her. "The police won't believe you and it's kind of hard to go against evidence like that. Actual security footage of her leaving and walking next to your locker since hers is right next to yours."

She shook her head, not wanting to believe anything.

"I'll find a way," Sofia said. "Or I'll leave the city."

"Too late for that," Lucy said. "I've got people coming to pick you up."


Sofia started to breathe harder as she thought about who these people were. What did Lucy mean she had people coming to pick her up?

"Oh yes," Lucy said. "People are coming to pick you up and take you back to your country. It's great really. You'll be gone and then I can be the center of attention at the club again. And well, your dirty hands won't be anywhere near anything in the club. It's honestly too good for you and I don't even know how you got the job."

Sofia started to struggle in her chair, trying to get out of her restraints. She didn't care that they were digging into her wrists and ankles. All that mattered right now was her getting out and as far away from Lucy as she could.

"Tsk," Lucy took a step back. "I wouldn't try that. I told the men to tie them really tight so there was no way of you getting out of it. Sorry?"

She didn't sound sorry at all.

Lucy chuckled. "What am I saying? I'm not sorry one bit about anything. I couldn't care less that you could lose your hand from how tight those are. You deserve it by coming to this country when you weren't wanted. I mean, did you really think people were going to be happy you came?"

Sofia stayed silent and went limp in the chair. Her wrists were on fire, and she had no doubt she rubbed them raw.

She knew that what Lucy said was a lie. Daddy was glad she was in the country, and she knew that Monty was also glad. She had made several friends with the other Littles in the club. Lucy was wrong. So wrong in everything she had said.

If Lucy had said that when she first got here, she would've believed it because she didn't know anyone that well. But now,nowshe knew that Lucy was wrong. If none of the other Littles were happy she was here, she knew that her Daddy was. He had made it clear several times and even told her he loved her.