Sofia stared at Lucy in surprise. She wasn’t expecting Lucy to be behind all of this. Deep down, she had a feeling it was her, but she had hoped she was wrong.

She wanted to give Lucy the benefit of the doubt. She so badly wanted her to be innocent and have it be this horrible guy who is evil. But She was wrong.

So wrong.

Why would Lucy do something like this? What did Sofia ever do to her to deserve this much hate?

Sofia thought back to what the two guys were talking about earlier. Lucy hired a man to mug her and then kidnap her.

Had Sofia known Lucy before and done something? Had Lucy visited Chile while Sofia was trying to earn her money to come to the states? She was pretty sure she would remember, but it was hard to tell.

Sofia couldn’t really remember a lot from the last year she was in Chile. She had been working so much, and had gotten so little sleep, that everything had become a blur. Maybe she had met Lucy before but nothing about her seemed familiar.

Lucy continued to stare at her before she cracked a wicked smile. Sophia didn’t have a good feeling about this. What could she have done to deserve this?

“Both of you can leave now,” Lucy said. “Your money will be transferred to you in the next hour. I promise.”

Sofia watched as the two men nodded their heads before they walked out of the room. She had lost hope that they would help her.

But she had to have faith that Ezra and her Daddy were going to come get her. Ezra had heard her scream for help, which put hope inside of Sofia. Maybe Ezra had gotten into his car fast enough to follow them. That’s all she could hope and pray for.

“I’m finally going to get rid of you,” Lucy said as she took a step forward. “You should’ve left months ago but now is better than ever.”

“Why?” Sofia asked. “Why are you doing this?”

"Because you shouldn't be here!" Lucy yelled. "You shouldn't be allowed in this country! We don't need you here. We don't want you here!"

Sofia didn't know what to say. What did she mean? Just because she was not from the United States?

"We don't need you guys coming in here illegally and taking everything we've worked hard for!" Lucy screamed.

"I didn't," Sofia tried to reason with her. "I applied for a work visa and got it. Now, I'm applying for my Green Card."

Tears filled Sofia's eyes as she watched Lucy's face get angrier by the second. There was no reasoning with her, and she was worried. What was she going to do to her? Was she going to kill her or was she going to leave her here until someone found her? If they found her.

"You're finally going back to the country you belong in," Lucy said as she took another step forward. "And you can't do anything about it."


"I don't like immigrants. They should stay where they were born and not come to the United States."

The tears in her eyes streamed down her face. She didn't want to leave this country. She had just found a Daddy who wanted her for her and a job she loved so much. Sofia wasn't ready to give that up yet.

"I thought you were smart," Lucy said as she circled around her.

Chills ran up Sofia's spine as Lucy walked behind her. She couldn't see her and it worried her. Was she going to do something to her?

"Please," Sofia begged. "You can let me leave and I won't bother you."

Lucy chuckled and yanked on Sofia's hair and she whimpered. So much pain.

"You're not that lucky," she whispered in her ear. "You won't be getting off that easy."

She let go of her hair and Sofia let out a sigh of relief.