Page 45 of Until Posey

“She’ll understand,” Ireland said. “If she doesn’t, I’ll kick her ass until she does.”

“Rip the bandage off, bro,” Landon added. “It’s better you tell her now. Once she knows, she can start looking for her family, too. Better for this to happen now instead of when you’re completely bonded with Destiny and married to Posey.”

I sat back. “What did you say?”

Landon snorted. “You think we didn’t recognize the signs? She’s your Boom, right?”

“He just told me this morning,” Ireland murmured. “The asshole couldn’t even say that to us.”

“Like you were forthcoming with Mack?” Landon cocked a brow. “We gave him the brother talk before you confessed everything.”

She bowed her head, staring at her hands. “Shit.”

“We keep doing this wrong,” I muttered. “We beat the shit out of Jackson. Threatened Mack within an inch of his life, and the bastard took it. Now, you’re both doing it to me and Posey. We gotta get our shit straight before we fuck up all our chances.”

Ireland inclined her chin. “You’re right. So, what’s your plan?”

I didn’t have one. I knew I wanted Posey. If I could get her into my bed, I knew no matter what, she wouldn’t care whether Destiny was mine. She would come to see me as Destiny’s father and the best man for the job. Maybe, if I was lucky, I could go our whole lives together without uttering a word. Obviously, that had been a dream, not reality. A lie, even by omission, was still a lie. “I’ll go with the flow. I have Mack and a PI looking for family as we speak.”

“You dragged Mack into this situation, and you didn’t want to tell me?” Ireland chuffed. “You’ve got a set of balls on you, Hunter.”

“He has connections we don’t, and I’ve been doing the right thing since Destiny and Posey showed up on my doorstep.” Besides, Mack was the one to suggest it, not the other way around.

“Ours,” Landon said. “She showed up on our doorstep.”

“What the fuck ever,” I snapped. “You’re not even there half the time. Should we know where you’ve been laying your head at night? Is there something you want to tell us too, Landon?”

“Yeah, where have you been, Landon?” Ireland arched a brow.

Landon held up his hands. “Don’t start on me. This is about Hunter and his secrets.” Even as he spoke the words, I knew he was up to something. He hadn’t really been home since I told him to take a vacation. What he was doing or who he was doing it with was a whole other conversation.

“Look, just come to court when I tell you to,” I said. “Everything will come out then. Beginning to end. Even the stuff I really shouldn’t be telling you about. The trial should only take a couple of weeks. The feds want to push the case through the system to get all of them locked up.”

“We’ll be there.” Ireland exhaled. “Look, Hunter. I commend you for taking this little girl in, because from the sound of things, she needed you. But she’s not a puppy, bro. You can’t return her to the Humane Society if something goes wrong. She is a baby who needs guidance, love, and support. You never seemed like the kid type to me. You know? Are you sure this is the path you want to take? By yourself, should shit fall apart with Posey?”

In another lifetime, Ireland would have been correct. I didn’t see myself having kids or doing the whole relationship thing. Witnessing our parents happy and in love for thirty something years raised my ideals to unattainable heights. This voice at the back of my head said I wouldn’t ever find a love like they had. That what they had was a generational love. Then Destiny was placed in my arms, and I couldn’t say no. There was an instant kinship between us. Like I’d known her all my life. I guess that’s what it must feel like for first-time parents. Almost as if our life pieces clicked together. “Sometimes plans change.”

Or, perhaps, it was the regret talking or anger that a child was abandoned, which forced me to step up and be the father she needed. Maybe it was me being selfish. I couldn’t say either way. No way in hell, I’d give her up. She needed me as much as I needed her. Posey too.

“What do you want from us right now, bro?” Landon said, staring at both kids sleeping in the playpen. “What will help lift the burden off your shoulders?”

“Support. I’m not asking you to lie. I can’t do that. I’ll tell Posey soon. I promise.” I ran my hands over my face. The idea of even mumbling the truth to her felt like a mule kicked me in the gut. All of my insides were on fire and the idea of puking my brains out didn’t sound half-bad right about now.

Could have also been the breakfast sandwich I ate a little while ago.

“When are you going to make things official?” Leave it to my sister to ask the most important question.

“Jackson first, then the rest.” Poor guy had enough shit on his plate. He didn’t need me adding more drama to his life. Seemed his girl brought enough with her to last both of them several lifetimes.

“I’ll tell him,” Landon replied. “Helping him out tonight, anyway. You know he’s going to beat your ass when he finds out.” I deserved it. I hit him hard at the hospital. Right in the mouth, busting his lip. I took my anger out on him about the position I’d put myself in. Felt like an asshole, too. Still couldn’t believe Waverly didn’t tell him she was pregnant or the fact she’d had the baby—Alandria. I hadn’t even met her properly yet.

“Posey?” Ireland glanced up at me.

“This coming weekend. I have everything set.” If Posey said yes. I wouldn’t even go into detail about her sinful texting or my replies to her. Nor would I tell them about the little make-out session on my couch. I’d been so close to saying screw what happens next and fucking her right there.

Until Destiny cried and Posey ran away.

“July said Posey hasn’t always had a good life,” Ireland said, drawing my attention back to her. “She’s too quiet and reserved. She hangs around the edges, watching everyone, almost as if she isn’t sure how to approach groups of people, even if they are friends.”