Yeah, I noticed that too. Surprised the fuck out of me when she texted those explicit words to me. “I haven’t pushed her to tell me about herself.” Past what she’d already said about the little bastard who almost killed her. “I have a feeling when she said Destiny was just another case to her. She’d been full of shit. They have a connection to. I hope one day she’ll tell me what it is.”
“Then perhaps you should be ready to tell her everything, too.” Landon shrugged. “Sounds like you both have more in common than not.”
True, maybe we did. “Well, if everything goes accordingly, I’ll tell her.” I couldn’t keep lying. Even telling myself after everything we’d all been through, this was the best course of action, I knew it wasn’t. Someone could be out there trying to find Destiny and maybe the PI overlooked them or hadn’t thought the person could be related to her. I’d never forgive myself if thatwasthe case, and I denied her family a chance to bond with her.
“It’s a start, man,” Landon said. “I know this is hard for you. Keeping secrets isn’t how we do shit for family. It’s never been. This though... I get why you did.” He glanced at a sleeping Destiny. “She’s changed you, bro. In a good way. Calmed your ass down in some respects. Now, you just need a little follow through.”
I flipped him off. “Thanks.” Still, he was right. Destiny gave me stability. Made me stop and think about all the shit I did and how close I’d probably came to having a kid for real. “We good, Ire?”
She nodded. “Yeah, we’re good, Hunter.” She exhaled and stood. “I’ll watch Destiny so you can have an evening of uninterrupted adult time. Seems Destiny loves her cousin.” They were curled up together, sleeping side by side while holding hands. Like they’d been together since before birth. Part of the reason I’d been so hesitant about doing anything was this right here. How did I trust Destiny would ever have bonds like she could have with me?
“I appreciate you,” I said.
“Oh, and I bought you something.” Ireland exited the office and came back a few minutes later with a box in her hand. “You really should warm her bottles before you give them to her.”
I furrowed my brows, confused for a second, as I stared at the box. “Don’t kids drink cold milk? Why would I warm it up?”
Ireland rolled her eyes and chuckled, giving me the “duh,” look. “Because idiot. Milk is warm when it comes from the breast. A perfect ninety-eight point six degrees.”
“But I don’t have boobs...” I flipped the box around and read the back of it. Then it dawned on me what she was saying. “Oh... Well, shit, Ire. You could have told me all of this before I started giving Destiny cold fucking bottles.”
She laughed. “You’d think you’ve never been around babies before. Warm her milk up. I bet you some of her crying stops with a warm bottle. Might even help with the explosive diapers, too.”
I grunted. “Yeah, I will.” I stood then, allowing Ireland to take my spot so she could do the inventory before she got to work running a diagnostic on the vehicle Mack bought. “I’m going back to the paint bay. If you need me, holler. Oh, and you should know, I put an ad out for an office helper. We got too much shit going on. We need someone who can help do the paperwork for us.”
Ireland eyed me, then nodded. “Good. The music stays mine, though.”
I didn’t give a shit.
“Whatever you say, Ire. You’re the boss.” I rolled by eyes before exiting the office. Even if I felt better after telling my siblings, there was still an aching knot in the pit of my stomach. The one that told me, even if I explained the truth to Posey, she’d never forgive me.
I didn’t know what I’d do if that ever happened.
Chapter 12
Iwiped the eye makeup off my lids for the third time, hating the shake in my hand as I applied the liner. Taking a steadying breath, I held it and let it out slowly, hoping it would calm the nervous energy.
News flash: it didn’t.
My palms were sweaty and if I wasn’t careful, I’d have to begin again. Perspiring through my makeup wasnotsexy. I lifted my hand to try again and gritted my teeth as my fingers continued to twitch. Damn it, I was a hot mess.
For cripe’s sake, Posey, get it together.
This wasn’t my first rodeo. I’ve been on dates before. I’ve been alone with Hunter before. So, I couldn’t put my finger on why I was reacting this way.
“Ugh.” I scowled at my half-finished face, perturbed by my anxiety.
No matter how many times I tried to pep talk my way through getting ready, I knew tonight would be the night. After dinner. If the stars and moons aligned themselves correctly, I’d be having sex. With a freaking Viking God who went by the name of Hunter Banks. My stomach clenched. What if he turned me away when he found out I was a 28-year-old virgin? I mean, I’ve read plenty of romance books, where the hero rejected the heroine because they weren’t experienced, only to eventually give in later after some freakish event.
Would Hunter do the same? Or would he give me that sexy little smile of his and fuck me like a porn star? I looked at myself in the mirror, hardly recognizing the arousal reflected in my gaze. Perhaps he’d call me a good girl and praise me for saving myself for Daddy.
My pussy clenched at the thought, and a soft moan fell from lips. Hunter was potent with a capital P. He could rock my world like no other person could. If I didn’t stop thinking about all the things he was going to do to me, I’d never be ready by the time he arrived.
After fixing my makeup again, and applying another layer of deodorant and perfume, I made my way back out into my living room. I wanted to switch purses since the one I used for work was big and bulky, and I had a bit of everything in there—water, snacks, diapers. All stuff I could want for a child in need while I was on the clock. The trunk of my car was worse. Packed full of shit. I even carried luggage with me. It was heartbreaking to watch kids or even parents pack up kids’ stuff and shove it in a trash bag. I appreciated those who donated their gently used bags to me and I kept it in my car. I always placed a luggage tag on it, with the children’s names.
My phone vibrated on the counter beside me, and I grinned.