Leaning back in my chair. I prayed for patience. Sucked Cobi was the only one I could discuss this aspect of my life. CPS had already been in contact with Cobi about Destiny, wasn’t like he didn’t receive the same info as I did. Of course, he got the physical reports while I had the highlights. “What the fuck did you expect me to do, Cobi? Hope listed me as the dad.”
He cocked his head. I knew what he was going to ask before he even opened his mouth. “Is she yours, Hunter? Did you fu—”
I stood up, ready to punch his ass, not caring if he was a police officer and could throw me behind bars for striking him. I’d risk it. “Fuck you, Cobi. I never touched Hope more than to give her a hug or two. While I was doing a job. For you, I might add. Not looking to get my dick wet, nor saddled with a kid, either.” I winced at my own harsh words. “I was only trying to get Hope out of that life. I’m guessing she realized too late, and that was why she named me Destiny’s father. Even though I’m not.”
Cobi held out his hands in surrender. “Holy Shit, man. I’m sorry, I had to ask.”
“Fuck you,” I huffed again before dropping back down in my chair. “I lied to my family when you asked me to go uncover. I’m still fucking lying to them, Cobi. I don’t like it. It’s wearing on my ass.” I eyed him up. “Do you realize I can’t speak to anyone about this? Only you. I can’t even tell my fuckin’ Boom. Who believes I’m some low-life piece of shit, for getting a 20-year-old pregnant, and then ditching her? So, thanks for that too, asshole.”
Cobi sat up, holding his hand up. “Wait what? Your Boom? Who?”
I eyed him up. Why did I feel like I was being played? I knew Cobi and Mack were friends, but I figured since I was Mack’s brother-in-law, he’d have my back, and keep his mouth shut. “Are you playing stupid with me? That’s the only thing you got out of that. That I have a Boom?”
Cobi chuckle. “I swear, this is news to me. And yes, because finding your Boom is a big deal in my family, Hunt. Who is your Boom?”
“Posey Roberts.”
No doubt Cobi recognized the name. CPS and the police often worked together, so it didn’t surprise me when he asked, “The caseworker?”
I exhaled a rough sigh. “Yeah, that’s her. Lying to my family. I’m doing it for you, Cobi, even if I’m not happy about it, —” I pointed at him again— “lying to Posey as well. It isn’t sitting well with me. At all.” I rubbed at the area of my heart like it fucking ached or something.
“Yeah, well, I get that. I totally do.” He hesitated. “What do you know about the Boom?”
I sighed. “Very little. I’ve heard Mack and Ireland talk about it and heard your family speak on it from time to time. But I thought it was some bullshit hocus pocus y’all made up to explain how your family moved so quickly with their boyfriend or girlfriend.”
Cobi snorted. “If only.” He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs. “The Boom is a heart-pounding, inexplicable sensation of falling in love. It’s an emotional pull that can complete a man and destroy him all at once. You can’t avoid your Boom, Hunt,” he warned.
“Yeah, I gathered that. I had it in my head: I’d stay clear of Posey until—” I gestured around the room— “we completed everything. But I can’t stay away from her.”
I sounded like a fucking pussy. Waxing poetic about Posey to Cobi.
“Trust me, fighting this is never successful. Posey will understand why when you tell her everything. She has to. As the other part of your soul, she won’t be able to live without you, either.” Sounded more like a fairytale than truth, to be honest.
I laughed. “She can still make my life a living hell. Cobi, once she finds out, I lied through my teeth about everything.”
Cobi leaned back in his chair like the motherfucker was contemplating how many galaxies were in the universe or some shit. “That she could. And no doubt she will. But you’ll get your HEA.”
“HEA? What the fuck is that?”
Cobi chortled. “It means happily ever after, dumbass.”
“What the fuck ever.” I sighed, not entirely comfortable having this conversation with Cobi. We were more acquaintances than friends. So, I switched topics. “Mack hired a PI for me, hoping to find any of Hope’s family members to take Destiny.”
“Has he had any luck?”
I sat forward, bracing my arms on the desk. “Zilch. My gut about Hope when I first met her said, lost, lonely kid. Maybe a runaway. Pedro preyed on Hope. The dirty motherfucker.”
“Want me to run Hope’s name through the database?”
I cocked a brow. “Can you do that without throwing up any flags?”
Cobi grinned. “Well yeah. Hope’s part of the case. It’s expected for us to follow through with all leads. If she was a runaway, there should be a record.”
“If her parents gave a shit, Cobi. My money’s on Hope being part of the system, hence why she listed me as the dad on the birth certificate. Or her parents didn’t give a shit.”
“Yet, you still have a PI looking,” Cobi muttered.