Page 41 of Until Posey

“Because it’s the right thing to do, asshole,” I spat. “If Destiny has family, and if they’re decent people. Destiny has the right to know them.”

“You’re a better man than me, Hunter.”

I groaned. I didn’t feel like a good man. Unless Posey was around. Then I felt like I could take on the world and win. “Fuck,don’t be saying that to too many people, Cobi. I got a rep to protect.”

“I don’t think your surly disposition is in any danger.”

“Good, let’s keep it that way.” The familiar rumble of Ireland’s car echoed against the building. “Fuck me. This will not end well.”

“Just tell her I stopped by for a random car question,” Cobi said, trying to be helpful or whatever his version of helpful was.

“Yeah. She isn’t going to buy you coming to ask me about fixing a car. I paint vehicles for a living,” I muttered.

“You know how to fix them, too.”

“What the fuck ever,” I snapped. “I’ll think of something. Get moving before you get caught up in Hurricane Ireland and her bulldog attitude.”

Cobi chuckled. “How’d you think Mack would feel about you discussing his wife like that?”

“Since she was my sister, long before she was his wife, I don’t really give a fuck.”

Mack could play the heavy with everyone else when it came to Ireland, but not me. First off, I wasn’t a wet behind the ear boy, like Jackson. Second, Mack knew damn well I wouldn’t sit there and take his shit about my sister. I understood the only reason my brother-in-law didn’t treat me like everyone else was simple. Ireland would get pissed at him for fighting with me.

Cobi pointed to the babies in the pen. “You should really learn to watch your language around those babies.”

“Fuck off, Cobi,” I deadpanned with a smug smirk.

They were babies. Other than some babbling, which they did from time to time, I figured I was safe.

He chuckled and then turned to leave, just as Ireland came strolling through the door. In one hand she held a bag, the other a cup carrier, loaded up.

“Hey, Cobi,” she said, a fake smile plastered on her face, while her gaze sought me out. She had questions. I could already see her wheels spinning.

“Hey, Ireland, bye Ireland.” Cobi beat it out the front door, like the hounds of hell were nipping at his heels.


I held up my hand, effectively cutting Ireland off before she started her tirade. “Don’t even start with me.”

“Oh, fuck you, Hunter,” she snarled.

I bit back a chuckle. Because her rule about not cursing around her son went right out the window. I cocked a brow, staring her down.

“Why is Cobi here, this freaking early in the morning?” Ireland demanded.

With a straight face, I shrugged. “He had a car question.” Her unladylike snort had my ire rising. “I know cars too, Ireland. You’re not the only mechanic in the family.”

She dropped the bag of food on the desk along with the cup carrier. I reached for my cup, only to have her slap my hand, like a two-year-old ready to snatch a knife off the table.

“Excuse you, did you just fucking slap me?”

“Why was Cobi here, Hunter?” she challenged.

I huffed and struggled to keep my calm. Reminding myself, I was the asshole who’d been lying to my family for the last year plus. It wasn’t Ireland’s fault. She was a bulldog, smelling the load of bullshit I was spreading. “I just told you. Now give me my fuckin’ coffee.”

She huffed, stomping her foot in frustration. I valued my balls, so I swallowed the laughter building in my chest. “Stop lying, Hunter. I can’t help you if I don’t know the truth!”

The trick with the fiery redhead, which was my sister, had been to show no fear and not to hesitate. “Now why, sister dear, do you think I’m lying to you?”