Page 39 of Until Posey

About an hour into doing paperwork and admin bullshit, I stopped to place an advertisement online about hiring someone to do the office shit for us. It was tedious, and it took up too much time. Especially since I had a car in the bay, and three others waiting to be painted. All of them were scheduled for this week. There was also the fact Ireland spent more energy in here than turning wrenches with Landon. We needed to act like the shop our reputation proceeded, not a bunch of amateurs.

“Hey,” Ireland called from the doorway. I glanced up, spotting Mack Jr. in her arms first. I’d been so deep in the pile of paperwork I hadn’t even heard the beep of the alarm system when my baby sister came through the door. “You’re in early.”

I pointed to Destiny in the corner with my pen. “Little miss decided today was the day to re-arrange our schedule. I took advantage of it and figured I’d get a start on all this.” I gestured to the mess of a desk.

“She okay?” Ireland peering at her through the mesh. I could hear the hesitation in her voice. Either she was going to start shit with me or she was afraid I was going to start shit with her.

I wasn’t in the mood for either.


“Awe, poor baby.” Ireland stepped inside the room and deposited her son next to Destiny, then scooped the little girl up in her arms.

I’d give my sister credit. She didn’t believe the kid was mine and had verbalized that to me on more than one occasion. Did she show that shit to Destiny? No fucking way.

Ireland treated Destiny as if she was her niece.

“Let me see those new toofers you got growing,” Ireland cooed to Destiny, who grinned at Ireland, revealing her swollen gums, and tiny white spots of the teeth pushing through the pink gums. “There they are! Who is such a good girl for sprouting new teeth?”

Who the fuck was this woman and what the fuck did she do to my real sister?

I rubbed at my chin. “Are you for real right now?”

“Shut the hell up, Hunter,” Ireland snapped.

The baby in her arms frowned, scrunching her face up like she was about to scream her head off. But Ireland started doing that sway-rocking bullshit mothers did with their babies—something I’d seen our mom do countless times. It immediately calmed Destiny.

I cocked a brow at my sister. “Did you seriously just curse in front of my kid?” I tried to act all indignant and shit, but couldn’t stop the smile from forming on my lips.

Ireland flipped me off instead. “It’s too early for this bulls—crap. I need breakfast and some coffee.” She returned Destiny to the pen. “Did you eat?”

“Nope.” Hadn’t had my coffee yet either. That might be contributing to my bad mood. Or part of it. The other part was the entire weekend my dick stayed hard thinking about Posey and all the shit I planned to do to her once I got my hands on her. I wouldn’t tell Ireland as much, though.

Ireland glanced down to where the babies lounged, content to babble at each other. “You keep this—” she gestured to them— “under control, and I’ll do a breakfast run for us.”

I rubbed my hand over the back of my neck. “Yeah. Large coffee. Black, Ireland. No cream. No sugar. None of the fancy-ass syrups, either. Just plain black coffee—” My sister’s face scrunched up in distaste— “Jalapeno bagel, fried egg, sausage, and cheese. Ask them to toast the bagel for me, would ya?”

She saluted me. Then, with a quick check on the babies, scampered out of the office. I don’t know why, but I gave a sighed in relief when I heard her car start up and pull away.

My gut was churning, forewarning me something shitty was coming my way. The question was, what? I eyed up the pack ‘n’ play. Wondering if Destiny was going to hit me with another one of those explosive diapers again. Or maybe this time it would be Mack Jr.

We didn’t have a shower at the shop. Just a hose out back. I knew from previous experience that the water was so cold it could shrivel your dick with one drop. I’d packed extra clothing for her, nothing for me, though.

Shit, I was grossly unprepared for this parenting gig.

This time when the alarm beeped, notifying me the front door was opening, I was prepared for whichever sibling was about to appear. “Oh, fuck me.” I groaned when, instead of my brothers, it was Cobi. Well, that explained the rioting stomach. “What the hell are you doing here? You just fucking missed Ireland.”

He chuckled. The asshole. “Yeah, I know. I saw her pull in and waited until she left.”

“How’d you know she’d leave?” I cocked a brow.

“Didn’t. Figured it was worth the gamble.” He approached the two chairs placed on the other side of the desk and sat, eyeing up the two kids in the play yard.

I didn’t have time for this bullshit today. Or his judgment.

“What?” I growled. “You got something to say, Cobi. Say it now.”

Cobi leaned forward. “I’m just trying to wrap my head around the fact that you took the kid in.”