Page 59 of Until Posey

Posey’s face went soft.

I got both my girls loaded and folded into my vehicle.

“Are you nervous?” Posey questioned. Cobi asked me the same question this morning. Maybe I was. “I mean, it’s okay if you are. But I want you to know you have nothing to worry about. My mom…well, she’s cool.”

I glanced at her before turning my attention back to the road. “I’m not, Baby girl.”

And I wasn’t, because I knew she was mine forever.

“Good... Good.”

She ran her hands up and down her thighs. It was then I realized, like an idiot, she was the one anxious about the dinner. “Why are you worried?”

She giggled, and I could tell she’d been apprehensive. “I’m not.”

“Are you lying to me, baby girl?” I glanced at her again. “Because if you are, I might have to punish you tonight.”

“P-Punish me?” Posey gulped. “Why?”

I smirked. “Because good girls don’t lie to their daddies, Baby girl.”

Posey nibbled on her bottom lip and shifted in her seat. Fuck. If I’d realized back at her apartment how she was feeling, I’d have given her an orgasm or two with my fingers or my tongue just to take the edge of nervousness off.

Posey’s tongue peeked out, licking at her lip. “What’s my punishment?”

I grinned. She was right there with me, willing to explore and play. I rubbed my chin like I was contemplating how I was going to discipline her. “I might spank your ass, or maybe I won’t let you cum the next time I fuck you. There are so many delectable things I’d like to do to your body.”

Posey gasped and fanned her bright red face for a second or two before she spoke. “I’m sticking with my original statement. I’m not worried.”

I just cocked a brow at her, enjoying her sass. “Punishment, Baby girl.”

“Whatever, Hunter,” she stated.

I chuckled, amused by the frustration in her tone, but also relaxing marginally since some of the nervousness was gone. “We’ll see.” I left the conversation open ended since we were pulling into the driveway of her mother’s home.

“I’ll get Destiny.”

“Leave her car seat here, baby girl,” I said before getting out of the car. I went around to the passenger side to help.

I took the diaper bag she pulled out first while I enjoyed the view of her ass as she retrieved Destiny, who had woken up during our drive, out of her seat.

“Hello, precious,” I murmured to the baby, who waved her arms in excitement. “Did you have a good nap?”

Destiny grinned at me and all but screeched out, “Dada.”

Posey’s eyes went wide. “That’s new.”

I reached over and gave Destiny a tickle under her chin. “Ireland told me it meant nothing. It’s just the first stage of her babbling.”

“It means something,” Posey remarked.

Problem was, Destiny wasn’t mine. And each day that went by, I got more and more attached. I loved my little girl, just like I loved the woman holding her.

“It does.” I ignored the tears forming in Posey’s eyes. “Come on, I think your mom is not so patiently waiting for us.”

The door opened, followed by the squeak of the screen door, and from my peripheral Posey’s mom or who I assumed was Posey’s mother, stepped out on her porch to greet us.

“Want me to take her?”