Page 60 of Until Posey

Posey shook her head before placing her forehead to Destiny’s. “I got her.”

When my foot connected with the first step, it hit me. I was meeting Posey’s mom. She was myBoom. If I could, I’d have Posey’s ass at the courthouse tomorrow, and my ring on her finger, followed by my kid in her belly. The only reason I hadn’t pushed was because I needed to right my wrongs. With Posey’s background, I needed to prove myself to her before she fully committed to me. She hadn’t said as much, but I knew it. I was willing to go that extra mile to make the woman in front in front of me, mine.

“Hey, Mom,” Posey said once she hit the landing of the porch. She leaned in to give her mom a one-armed hug and kiss. When Posey moved to the side, making room for me, her mother had Destiny in her arms.

“Mrs. Roberts,” I said with a smile and a chin lift in acknowledgment.

Posey’s mom looked up from the baby in her arms. “Mr. Banks.”

“Hunter is fine. When you say Mr. Banks, I look for my dad.”

“Then I insist you call me Darcy, Hunter.” She turned her attention to Destiny. “I already know your name, sweet girl. Her outfit is adorable.”

Posey reached forward, gently taking Destiny’s hand. “Hunter had nothing to do with it. His sister insisted on getting it for Destiny.”

“Ireland said Destiny couldn’t show up in a onesie and a pair of sweatpants for her first dinner date with Posey’s mom.” I shrugged. “I didn’t see the issue.”

Darcy chuckled. “I don’t have a dress code at my table. Let’s go inside,” Darcy replied before opening the screen door. I held the door open so everyone could step inside. “Do me a favor, Hunter. Lock the front door.”

I did as Darcy instructed before stepping into the living room. Darcy was already on the floor with Destiny on a mat I didn’t bring. I put her diaper bag down, tucking the bag away so it didn’t trip anyone up as we moved through the room.

The scent of cinnamon and apples filled my nose, and for a second or two, it made me think about my mom.

“Have a seat.” Darcy gestured to the couch in front of the big bay window of the living room. “Dinner will be done in about ten minutes.” She glanced at me before looking back to Destiny. “Meatloaf and all the fixings okay with you?”

My stomach rumbled in anticipation. “Perfect.” I could eat fancy, but in my heart, I was a meat and potato type of guy.

“Can I help with anything, Mom?” Posey asked.

“I’m not being a wonderful hostess, am I?” Darcy chuckled. “I took the baby and started playing with her. How about getting the drinks on the table for me?”

Posey stood up, “I can do that,” then looked at me. “What would you like with dinner? Mom usually has a domestic beer or two, soda or water.”

“Beer sounds good to me.”

“Got it,” Posey said. “What about you, Mom?”

Darcy grinned at Destiny before saying, “I’ll take a glass of wine. White, please.”

“Be right back.”

“Tell me about yourself, Hunter,” Darcy said not a second after Posey disappeared into the kitchen. “What do your parents do?”

I had nothing to hide, except the information on the baby Posey’s mom was currently oohing over. I pushed the wave of sadness I felt at the mention of my parents. People always said the pain went away with time. It didn’t. It changed and even got deeper sometimes. My parents would never know Mack, Posey, or Waverly. My mom would never know what it was like to hold her grandchildren. My father would never have the chance to pass his love and extensive knowledge of cars on to my kids or my siblings’ kids. Thinking about those things hurts on a cellular level.

“Passed away,” I said, focusing on Destiny instead. “Drunk driver hit them head-on. My dad was killed instantly. Mom passed three days later.”

Leaving me to be the patriarch of the family. A role I willingly stepped into to keep our small family together. It could be said I was doing the same thing with Destiny.

“Oh, Hunter, I’m so sorry,” Darcy whispered.

“Thank you.”

“Posey said you have a couple of siblings.”

I nodded. “I’ve got a younger sister and two younger brothers. Ireland is married and had a baby not too long ago.” I leaned forward on the couch, resting my forearms on my thighs. “Jackson, the baby of the family, isn’t married but recently had a kid. Landon works at the shop with me and Ire.”

“I noticed you didn’t mention Jackson working at the shop. What does he do?”