Page 44 of Until Posey

“I’m only going to go over this once,” I said, folding my hands on the desk in front of me, “if you interrupt me, you can both get fucked.”

Landon snickered, then sobered when Ireland narrowed her eyes at him. “No problem there, bro. I won’t say shit.”

None of this was fair to Jackson, who had no clue what was going on around him. All of us had given him a pass since the incident at the hospital. He went from being heartbroken to being in love within hours. I still hadn’t apologized for coldcocking him. We were all wrong about him and Waverly. But that was a conversation for another day. I was sure Ireland or Landon would give Jackson the cliff notes of this meeting, but he should hear it from me as well. I owed it to him after everything I put him through.

I returned my gaze to Ireland, who held up her hands. “Won’t say a word.”

Satisfied, she meant what she said. I sagged, sitting back in my chair. This was going to cost all of us. “While you were on your honeymoon with Mack, Cobi came to see me.” I remembered the day so well. Cobi stood outside by his vehicle for a long fucking time, almost as if he was battling with himself to even walk in. I should have known then how badly everything would go. Instead, I heard him out. “He said he needed help with a situation.”

“Wait... What?” Flabbergasted, Ireland sat there, confused by what I was saying. “I know I said I wouldn’t interrupt, but I wasn’t expecting this. I was focused on Destiny. Why would Cobi need your help?”

“I’m getting there,” I replied. “I won’t warn you again.”

She held up her hands, then sat back, crossing her arms.

“The fencing operation we shut down wasn’t exactly finished. A call came in while the feds and Cobi’s team were processing Edgar. Seemed he’d been bragging to his connection up north, and they wanted in on his business. They had a truck filled with cars ready to go,ifEdgar would sell them. So, Cobi came to me for help. I said sure. You weren’t here. I told Landon to take a vacation. I figured in a couple of weeks, everything would be over. We could carry on with our lives and no one would be the wiser.”

Until I met Hope.

“Son of a bitch,that’swhy you sent me away? You’re a fucking asshole,” Landon growled. “I could have helped you. I would havegladlyhelped you.”

I held up my hand. “Shut it. I told both of you not to interrupt me.” I needed to say my piece and get it all out there. “While Cobi was asking me for help, the feds and some local people were fixing up Lux, so we could reopen it.” I glanced at Landon. “You were there more than I was. They’d recognize you, Landon. Me? Not so much. Anyway, I went to the junkyard to grab a few cars and before you knew it, the place looked like a functioning auction.” The expression on Ireland’s face, coupled with Landon’s bewilderment, twisted my insides. This was why I didn’t want to say anything. I knew how much it would affect Ireland. She’d taken the brunt of Edgar’s abuse those last few months she was with him. Opening this old wound for her would cost me—all of us.

Big time.

“He told me all they’d need was three weeks. Long enough to get a truck of cars delivered and to run the auction one time. They already had someone hidden within the New York ranks of Edgar’s business, so they all knew the cars were stolen or chopped. All they required to nail the operation was a sale. One car.” I held up a finger. “The rest of the time I was there to look busy and for show, to make it seem like Edgar and the family were still cozy.”

“Hunter...” Ireland gasped.

“That’s why you’ve been fixing up the Maverick, too,” Landon said.

Well, yes. But I also needed a car now for Destiny and me. But that was a different story for another day.

“It was easy, Ire. Also, if it put the rest of his ring out of business, I was okay with that. No one knew about the raid. No one had talked to Edgar. One of the computer wiz guys in the department had been talking for Edgar via texts. I was just there to look pretty and yes, Landon, it’s why I have the Maverick. Obviously, I need the car now until Destiny gets older and can ride with me.”

“So, where does Destiny come in on all of this?” Ireland sat forward.

I met Hope.

For three weeks, I talked to her. Every chance I got; I thought I was planting the seed of freedom into her head. She was so young. She reminded me of both Ireland and Jackson. I knew the life she’d lead if she stayed with Pedro. Hell, I was tempted to offer her a place to stay. If only she could break free from the gang. “Hope was Pedro’s girlfriend and eventually became Destiny’s mom. I saw her and the shit he did to her, and I knew we had to get her out of the mess.”

“So, what happened next?” Landon hedged, rubbing the back of his neck.

“The takedown. Except Pedro and Hope got away. Or I should say, he took her and ran,” I answered. “I thought for sure they’d gone to Mexico. Little did all of us know they stuck around. Honestly, I don’t know how they did it. Nor would I ever find out. That chase a couple of weeks back was Pedro and Hope. They were killed instantly. They’re Destiny’s parents. You were right, Ireland, Destiny isn’t mine.”

The weight lifted off my shoulders by being able to tell the truth. However, doing so also made me feel this amalgamation of relief, regret, and sorrow. Deep down, I knew I should have told Posey Destiny wasn’t mine, but after everything the little girl had been through, I couldn’t. She deserved the chance her mother never took. I believed Hope put me as Destiny’s father for a reason. All the shit I talked to her about had to have gotten through. Giving Destiny to me, no matter the outcome, meant breaking the chains and the cycle. Although, there was still the off chance the PI found any family for her. Each day that passed, and he didn’t, I realized I might be the only “family” Destiny had.

“Well, of course she isn’t yours, Hunter,” Ireland said. “We knew straight away. At least with Alandria, she had Jackson’s red hair and my temper. This baby girl isn’t anything like us. Plus, I don’t know if you’ve looked in the mirror lately, but you’re not Hispanic, big bro.”

I wanted to laugh, probably would have if Ireland hadn’t pissed me off already. She could say a lot of shit about mine and Destiny’s differences, but I was still Destiny’s pretend father—fuck it. Her real father. “Stop being shitty about me being her dad. With what they found in the hotel room, we should be glad she wasn’t born addicted to drugs, Ire. I—Us—should be glad she doesn’t have other neurological issues, especially after finding out Hope had drugs in her system at the time of her death.” Found the little tidbit out when the nurse called late yesterday to give me a few updates on Destiny’s history, after taking her to the doctor for the mandatory check-ups required by the state and coupled with what Posey had already told me. “They found her half fucking starved with drug paraphernalia around the hotel room and her playpen. No one knows how long Pedro or Hope left her in that fucking room alone, only that she hadn’t had a diaper change in hours, maybe even days. So, yes, Ireland, she is mine. Maybe not biologically, but she is my daughter. I won’t have either of you saying otherwise. We both know after everything we’ve been throughblooddoesn’t make family.”

Ireland’s bottom lip wobbled. “Hunter, I—”

“I don’t want to hear it,” I huffed. “The rest of what happened will be said in court when the trial begins. If you want to be there to help us out, great. If you’re going to ask more questions, stay the fuck home. I can’t do this if you’re climbing up my ass every time I open my mouth or when you see Destiny. This situation is already hard enough. You adding to it makes it unbearable.”

Landon cleared his throat. “I can’t speak for Ireland, but I think the kid is cute. You’re right. Dad would be proud of you. Mom probably would have slapped you upside the head for lying to us.” He gave me a pointed stare. “Because that’s what you did, Hunter. You lied. Even to protect a little girl who needed you. You could have told us, and we would’ve backed your play. No matter what. Instead, you played this spy vs spy bullshit, fracturing us to the point we had to double team you to get you to talk to us, like a normal fucking human being. It stops now.”

I nodded. “I understand. However, I’m bound by the state and feds. Not like I can tell you everything. It compromises the investigation. What I’m more concerned about is Posey. The minute she figures out I’m not Destiny’s father, I’m fucked.”