“You never have to explain yourself to me, Drew,” Dana says in her usual even tone. She smiles. And despite everything, I smile too. She’s choosing me. “Willow, I’m afraid your time is up. Do I need to make the call or–”

Willow screams. It’s a scary sound, curdling spit and shredding throat. She pulls at her own dark hair and turns to run out of the room.

But Dana runs after her, grabbing her arm harshly. “You’re not going anywhere withthaton your finger.”

I rush to the open door to make sure Willow doesn’t make a break for it. She looks between Dana and me like a wounded animal before taking off the ring and dropping it on the floor. “You two are doomed. He’ll never love you like he loved me. You’ll see, he’ll be crawling back to me in no time.”

Dana shakes her head. “Come on, Willow. I’ll walk you out.”

I step aside and let the two women pass. Dana is some sort of superhero in this moment. The woman doesn’t seem to know fear like I do. As she passes me, she smiles knowingly.

We’ll talk,I think I hear her mind say.

I watch them go down the stairs and then turn back into the room, picking the ring up off the ground. I hold it up at eye level.

If I was decided before, then I’m fucking resolved as steel.

Dana will be mine. Forever.



I lied to Willow.

Adrenaline has been coursing through my veins since the second I pulled up in front of Drew’s house and I saw Willow at the front door, her hand on her hip. I thought I’d caught him in the act. So brazen as to have his lover over when he knew I was also on my way.

But when I saw her start peering inside, I knew something was amiss.

Further confirmed once she wriggled through an open window.

The second I watched her go in, I called the police and told them to come, but to keep the sirens out and stay out of sight because the woman was crazy and I had no idea if she was armed or not.

I couldn’t just stay there and do nothing until they came, so I went inside.

I’m glad they listened, though, and as I walk out of the house, a squad car is stopping in front of the house. The officers come to us and after clearing up who is who, they take her kicking and screaming to the station.

I watch them go before I walk back inside and shut the door behind me, turning every lock possible. I rest my head against the door and take a deep breath. I have no question that the woman will try everything in her power to escape and come for us again, but at least for now we should be safe.

Two hands land on my shoulders. I jump and nearly tear myself out of Drew’s grasp. “Oh, my god. You scared me,” I whisper.

His hands tighten. “I’m sorry.”

Drew, now clothed in an obvious rush, turns me to face him. I can see the aftermath of anxiety all over his face. Eyes wide, lips pressed into a thin line. “Are you okay?”

I nod. “Yeah. You?”

“Thanks to you, yeah.” Drew’s gaze falls and he tries to smile. “You really mama-beared that whole situation.”

“Oh, my god. The baby.” My hands fly to my stomach. It’s not often the baby is far from my mind. But something about this whole situation gave me tunnel vision. I had to fight for Drew. For us. I guess in a way that was fighting for the baby too. “What if–oh god, what if she had–”

Drew pulls me into his embrace. “Shhh…It’s okay. You’re safe. We’re safe now, baby. All three of us.”

I melt into his arms, my breath trembling. God, the stress of this day won’t end, will it?

Drew kisses the side of my head. “I’m here, alright? Just hold onto me. I’m here.”

I don’t know how long I cling to Drew. But,fuck, do I cling onto him. He is my rock. My everything. And now that I know this was all some misunderstanding tainted by the ramblings of a mad woman, I can breathe easy again, knowing my man ismine.