I immediately feel a fight response coming on. That ring is not for her. Wasnevermeant for her. “How did you get in here?”

“Most girls would say we’re moving too fast, but not me,” she says, ignoring my question. Willow smiles widely. “Yes. I’ll marry you.”

“What the fuck are you on?”

She laughs. “You’re so funny.”

God, she really is not well. I can see it in her eyes. They’re sort of glazed over as if she’s not even really here. “Willow, you’re sick.”

“Lovesick. Sure.” She continues to look at the ring. Hypnotized. “I knew you’d come to your senses and pick me over her. I just knew it.”

I go toward her and reach out for her wrist. “Give that back. It’s not for–”

Willow twists into my grip and grabs me by the back of the head, forcing her lips onto mine. I try to tear away, but all it does is throw me off balance. Willow takes advantage of this, pushing me back onto the bed. She straddles my hips, pressing herself into my crotch. I’m trying to keep the towel closed, but her wild movement is making it hard. “Let’s celebrate, Drew.” She lowers her mouth to my ear. “Like we used to.”

My eyes widen. Holy shit, she’s about to–“Willow, don’t do this.”

“I love when you beg.” Her hand trails up the inside of my thigh.

We’re interrupted by a voice. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”


In her distraction, Willow lets up just enough so I can shove her off me. Willow yelps as she rolls off the bed. I scramble off the bed and across the room, tightening my towel again. “Dana, I promise, this isn’t–”

Dana doesn’t even look at me or wait for an explanation. She stalks over to Willow. “Leave.Now.”

“Or what?”

Dana holds up her phone. “I’ve already got 9-1-1 typed out. You want to deal with me or the cops?”

Willow pushes herself back up to her feet and lunges toward Dana. “He invited me here.”

“If you even think about getting violent, consider the police already on their way,” Dana says, ducking out of the way.

I take a few steps toward them, but fear is sharp in my chest. “I didn’t invite her, Dana. I–”

“He wants me. He’s playing games with you.”

“Dana, I swear, it’s–”

“I saw you walking around the property looking for a way in,” Dana barks at Willow. Her hazel eyes are eclipsed with fire. “My car was parked right across the street.” She looks to me apologetically. “I’m sorry I didn’t come earlier. I wasn’t sure if you two were–”

I frown. So that’s what all of this is about. Some suspicion that I might have been unfaithful. “No, Dana. It’s alright.”

“I showed you those texts!”

“What texts?” I hiss.

“We got coffee! You wanted to see me!” Willow cries out desperately. She’s getting more pathetic by the moment.

“You were sending me unsolicited nudes and I met up with you to tell you to back off! You’re fucking…” I stop and take a deep breath. I’m not going to call her names. She doesn’t deserve that. She deserves a mental institution.

Dana sighs with relief. “That settles that, then.”

“You were with me the night your mom died,” Willow screams, a last ditch effort. “You love me more than–than–”

“I didn’t love you, I was just an asshole,” I cry out in response. My mother had never wanted her illness to take over my life. That was a near impossibility. But that night, she wanted me to go out and be with my friends. With my girlfriend. “I’d promised to visit her the day before and, yes, I didn’t. I fucked up. But no one knew she was going to die that night. It all just–” I shake my head. “Dana, you have to know I regret it more than–”