I tuck my hands under his ass, tight and full. Why is he always hiding it in those baggy jeans? “You can go faster.”

He does.

I ride the tide of his thrusts, over and over, my body bobbing through the sheets. Feels so good the deeper he goes. I couldn’t have imagined how wonderful he’d feel, especially whenever our eyes meet. Because despite the primal nature of the act, his eyes are full of admiration and gentleness.

I tuck my hand around his neck, twirling my fingers through the slight tail his hair makes at the base of his skull. “Feel so good, baby.”

He hums. “I like when you call me baby.”


Drew leans down so his face hovers over mine. “I’m going to make you feel so good.”

Before I can respond, his hips jerk faster, his cock sliding in and out of me. A knot forms at the base of my throat and my eyes widen. I try to moan, but I can’t. It’s locked inside me, pleasure robbing me of my sentence.

I lock my hands around his shoulders, pulling his chest up against mine, and twist my ankles around his tailbone. We trade the same breath back and forth, lips longing to kiss, but in need of space as we build together to something…something extraordinary.

“Fuck, you’re amazing,” he curses through clenched teeth.

“Look at me.”

Eyes lock. Heartbeats match, bumping wildly. My fingernails dig into his skin. I wish he could be closer even though he’s as close as possible to me.

Drew’s mouth forms into a tight line and his brow furrows. Thrust after thrust after thrust, I feel myself building closer and closer and closer until–

“Dana, you’re going to make me–”

“You’re going to makeme!”

And just as he lets out a raw laugh, my body snaps, orgasm bursting without warning. I push my mouth up against his collarbone and moan, no, scream with ecstasy. Tears come to my eyes. I can’t help it. It feels so good.

“Shit, are you–oh god, you–” Drew can’t get a straight question out before he comes, unable to withstand the clenching of my pussy around him. His head drops into the bed beside me, a long moan mismatched with the pulses of his cock inside me.

I cling to him, holding him to my chest, my contorted lips against his chest turning into light kisses.

Drew lets out one more strangled moan and then lifts his mouth to my ear. “You okay?”

“Okay would be an understatement.”

I can hear the smile on his lips. “Did you enjoy it?”

I turn my head toward him. “Yes, baby.”

His eyes roll upward, a flushed grin on his face. “I can’t get enough of that.” Then, he sighs. “Can’t get enough of you.”

“Well, good,” I say and then kiss his nose. “Because you can have as much of me as you like.”



Dana fellasleep on my chest. Her lips are right up against my nipple, hanging open as she snores lightly. It’s darling.

I haven’t been able to join her in sleep. I’m still in shock over everything that’s gone down between us in the past two hours.

I always knew I’d enjoy sex with Dana. But I didn’t know she had a vixen buried inside her, under that saintly exterior. More than that, though, I got to be close to her in a way I’ve dreamed about for much longer than I care to admit.

She’s my dream girl. Plain and simple.