I push my lips against the crown of her head, blonde curls tickling my nose. I take a deep breath; the eucalyptus shampoo mixed with sweat is like an aphrodisiac. However, I’m not going to wake her up just for my little whim of arousal. This moment, right here, is heaven.

Underneath the euphoria that we have finally found our way into each other’s arms, however, is terror.

I don’t want to fuck this up.

But…I’m pretty sure I already have.

See, twenty plus hours on a plane is, shocker, a lot of fucking time.

With Willow in my ear for most of it, it felt like a lifetime. And given how obvious she made it that she had her sights set on me, after all these years of being broken up, I had to find some way to make her back off.

“So, what’s Drew been up to? What makes Drew tick these days?” she had asked, leaning on the space between our seats, so close I could smell her sickly sweet perfume.

I chewed on my lower lip. “Working.”

“Just work? No play?”

Right at that moment, Kira had walked by and shot daggers at me with her eyes.You better not pull anything that would hurt my sister. Dana’s sisters have always,alwaysunderstood my feelings for Dana. In fact, I outright told Gillian once. I’m sure there’s a sisterly code of conduct that prevents secrets from being well and truly kept.

Regardless, they’re rooting for me. Rooting forus. And so am I.

So, I wasn’t going to let Willow jeopardize the possibility of Dana and me being a thing in the future.

“Some play. I’m actually seeing someone,” I told Willow.

Her eyebrows leaped upward. “What?” Her shock and disappointment were obvious.

I forced a smile. “Yeah, you remember Gillian’s sister?”

“You’re dating yourgrief counselor?!”

“She’s not my grief counselor anymore. We had to stop things when I…caught feelings.” This isn’t entirely untrue. I did stop things when I started having feelings for her. We just didn’t stop so we could date. “We’ve been together for a while. Otherwise, why would I be invited to this wedding?” I went on with a soft laugh.

Needless to say, this made Willow back off. At least a little. She still attempted a flirtation here and there and teased me from time to time about my “relationship” with Dana, disdain filling her voice.

But it helped. It made that flightbearable.

However, when she mentioned it to Kira during dinner, Kira demanded an explanation.

“You’re pretending to be in a relationship with my sister to get your ex-girlfriend to leave you alone?” she whispered to me in the middle of the night while everyone else was asleep. She’d told me to meet her by her seat at midnight and no one says no to Kira Solace (or any of her sisters for that matter).

I sighed, “I had to.”

“How about get into anactualrelationship with my sister. And then you can claim that title,” Kira said.

I gulped. “Pretending is so much easier, though.”

Kira rolled her eyes. “When this all falls apart, I’m not covering for you.”

“Fair enough.”

So now, here I am, in bed with the girl I lied about being in a relationship with even though I’d actually love to be in arealrelationship with her, and the only people who know about this fake long-term relationship are her sister and my ex-girlfriend. All at a wedding.

I’m not a fan of complications, but I’m miraculously good at them.

As if sensing my exponentially stressful thoughts, Dana shifts in my arms. Her naked breasts brush up against me. “Mm.”

I rub her back softly. “Welcome back, sleepyhead.”