“You want some more?” Drew asks, holding up his plate.

I flush. “I should hold off to have room for the main course.”

He shrugs. “I’m not going to eat it. You know how I feel about coconut.”

“You shouldn’t have come to Maldives, then,” Hunter says with a waggle of his eyebrows.

“Had to. Comes with job,” Drew replies.

I roll my eyes. “I am not a job.”

“No, you’re not. I’m teasing,” he adds in a soft voice. “Take it.”

I accept the plate and put it between Hunter and myself. “You’ll help me eat this.”

“Happy to.”

I go to look back at Drew with thanks, but his attention is directed elsewhere. Down the table just a few rows. I swear he’s looking at Willow. My stomach drops slightly.

I’ve heard stories about their relationship. I mean, it was so many years ago now. Almost five. But I know how heartbreak can be. From my understanding, Drew really left Willow with a broken heart. Not because he was intentionally cruel. What they say is true: when a heart breaks, it’s never even. Willow just happened to be on the receiving end of a breakup, catalyzed by the death of Drew’s mother.

I thought he was over her. But the way he’s looking at her right now leads me to believe otherwise. Is he afraid that she can smell the sex on us. Make her jealous? Push her away?

Something feels off. Like he’s not telling me something. It seemed like there was something on the tip of his tongue earlier when we were getting dressed. But he bit back on it.

Now I’m itching to know what might have come out of his mouth.

Maybe then I wouldn’t feel so on edge.

Kira taps on my shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

I force my mouth into a smile. I’ve gotten good at this habit and consequently, I don’t think anyone can ever tell when I’m faking it. My sisters needed it when Mom left. “Nothing.”

Kira purses her lips and narrows her eyes, gaze flipping between Drew and me. “You two are ridiculous, you know?”

I screw my face up. “What are you talking about?”

My sister digs her fork into her salad. “Don’t act like you’re slick.”

I pull on the neck of my dress. Can everyone see that I, Dana Solace, have just had sex? Is it obvious to the naked eye? Is it because my hair is a bit unruly right now? I ran my hands through it in the mirror. I thought that–

Another tap, this time to my other shoulder. “Dana–”

The wedding planner, Bernice. I try not to audibly sigh. There’s a reason Bernice is the best in the business, and it’s because she’s incredibly fastidious. Unfortunately for me, that means constant micromanagement. “Is something the matter?”

Bernice shakes her head, her blunt bob shuffling furiously side to side. “I’m sorry to interrupt you during the rehearsal dinner. I just wanted to address a change with you for the ceremony.”

“Okay…” I say.

Bernice smiles appreciatively and then starts to walk away from the table.

“I think she wants you to follow her,” Kira says unsurely in my ear.

I take my napkin out of my lap and throw it down on the table. “Great.”

Before I follow Bernice, I turn around swiftly and point at Hunter who has already scooped a portion of the salad onto his plate. “You better leave some of that for me!”

He freezes mid-motion. Little Jessica chortles while Amy scolds him.