With a laugh, I follow Bernice out of the restaurant.

* * *

“Doyou want to try it one more time?” Bernice asks.

I shake my head.

“Okay, I know it’s different than what we did in rehearsal, but–”

“Bernice, relax. It’s just a different entrance point. I think we’ll be okay.”

Bernice the wedding planner interrupted me at my sister’s rehearsal dinner simply to show me that instead of coming down the right side of the boardwalk, we’d now be entering from the left.

“I know, I know. I just–someone needs to be on top of this. I didn’t want to interrupt your father, he looked too preoccupied.”

I smile to myself. Aside from being the doting father we all know and love, trying to lavish Gillian with attention, he’s also been a bit distracted by Victoria Neville who ended up leaving a photoshoot in Bali early to be able to make it tonight instead of early tomorrow morning.

He’s been moon-eyed ever since and all of us know it, even Grant. We’re all just waiting to see who will break first.

If I wasn’t so sure that something weird was now up with Drew, I’d say that story sounded familiar.

“That was good of you. I’ll make sure to keep him updated on the directions and everything tomorrow.” Gillian has given me the express honor of accompanying her down the aisle with Dad. I cried when she told me.

Bernice sighs. “Well, alright, if you’re sure you don’t need to do it again–”

“I’m good,” I say, maybe a bit too forcefully. How many times can she watch me slow-walk down the boardwalk without even Gillian next to me for practice? “Listen, Bernice,” I say, subtly touching her arm to direct us both back toward the restaurant. “Have you even sat down the past few hours?”

“Sit down? You think I have time to sit down?”

“At least have a drink. The Maldivian Sunset is practically like juice,” I explain as we get to the door of the restaurant. “You can’t even taste the tequila.”

Bernice’s eyes widen. “Sounds dangerous.”

I consider. “Now that you mention it…” I can feel the tequila starting to go to my head. I’ve already had two. Got to slow down.

“You’re sweet, Dana, but I’ve got much too much to do before tomorrow. Which reminds me…” she trails off, finger to her lips.

I wait with bated breath for her to finish her sentence. However, Bernice just walks off in the opposite direction, clearly intent on whatever is next on her to-do list.

If I ever complain about my job, remind me it’s nothing compared to the anxiety of being a wedding planner?

I turn to go into the restaurant and nearly run smack into someone. I jump out of my skin with surprise and clutch my chest. “Oh, my god!”

“Sorry. Did I scare you?”

If the near-collision didn’t scare me, the pinched Valley girl tone of voice certainly did. “Willow…sorry, I didn’t mean to get in your way. I just–”

“Not in my way at all. In fact, you were the person I was looking for.”

I blink. “Oh?”

“I need to talk to you.”

I shake my head. What the hell is happening? “About…?”

“About Drew, of course.”

Of course. I touch the back of my head errantly. There must be some huge knot of hair unbrushed at the back there that makes it obvious I was bouncing in the sheets before I got here. “Um…what about?”