Way to go, Katarina. Mate of the year.
“I want to give you time to grieve, but your life is on the line and I really can’t give you the time you need.”
“Aeon.” My lips trembled.
“Let’s just get the circle started and once you do that, I think I might be able to bring Serena’s soul back for a few moments so you can talk.” Aeon stepped closer to me.
“Excuse me?”
“I’m a necromancer, I can bring back the dead souls for a small amount of time. It's been far too long since I’ve done it and requires an immense amount of energy, but I think I might beable to do it for at least a couple of minutes.” He looked unsure, like he was a small boy looking for approval and Goddess, I loved him for that.
I launched myself at him, forgetting that he was hurt. The sharp intake of breath made me flinch.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, Aeon!” I tried to pull back, but he held me closer and tighter.
“I’m ok, but I am so sorry Katarina, I thought I was going to get to her in time and I failed…”
I cried at his admission because he tried to save her for me. It was always all for me, but he was blaming himself for her death and I couldn’t have that.
“Don’t blame yourself,” I said, pulling away so I could see him. “I’m thankful you tried.”
“I know losing your family is awful and I wanted to save you from the pain…” I kissed him before he could blame himself anymore.
I rested my forehead against his, grateful that it wasn’t him, but also feeling like shit for thinking that.
“You’re right. We need to start the spell again. If we have any chance of surviving this, we need to get as much power as we can,” I said, getting out of the bed. I threw on some clothes so we could head down to the library.
Aeon didn’t let me walk to the library, he carried me, offering me comfort by whispering how much he loved me. As soon as we arrived at the library, all I wanted to do was run away. My body felt hot and cold, balmy, and my heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest.
Being in this room felt like the last place I wanted to be. I couldn’t stop my eyes wandering to the place I held Serena as she took her last breath. My lips trembled with grief and all I wanted to do was run away to cry in peace.
“Kit Kat?”
I looked around until my eyes landed on Lucien looking heartbroken. Holding my hand out for him, he grabbed me out of Aeon’s arms, making me instantly cry as I wrapped my body around his.
“I’m so sorry, baby, I know there’s nothing I can say that will make your pain go away, but I’m here. We all are.”
“Why does it hurt so much?” I held him tighter.
“You’ve lost your family, you loved her, she was everything to you. You’ve lost a piece of yourself.”
“Losing your family is one of the worst feelings imaginable,” Zev said, as I felt a warm hand on my back giving me comfort.
Looking over my shoulder, he looked tired too. He was sporting circles under his eyes and a sadness that spoke volumes. They all had suffered loss, now I knew what it was like to have my family ripped away from me too. I reached out for Zev. He immediately took me from Lucien, letting me burrow my face into the crook of his neck to cry for just a moment more.
Zev offered me no words of comfort, but I didn’t expect anything because that wasn’t him. His presence and the sadness in his eyes spoke volumes.
“I’m sorry, Kitten, but we should get started.” Aeon rubbed my back.
“Ok,” I said, placing a kiss on Zev’s neck.
The faint tremor I felt go through him made me look at him. I knew our relationship had been changing, but when did he start shuddering from my touch? He set me on my feet before he broke eye contact, leaving me confused.
Aeon and Lucien were waiting for us in a different spot than where we had started the other two spells. It was right in front of the door leaving the library.
“I know you didn’t want to put the spell here, but I think we need the spell powered by the moon as much as possible.”
“We have less than a month to charge it, I think you're right,” I said looking around. “We could move it back a few spaces to keep it away from the door or move everything by the fireplace.”