“Let’s just move it a few spaces,” Aeon agreed. “We have almost everything we need but a few things, so I feel better about it this time around.”
I nodded, praying that this was going to be enough. The spell didn’t require power from the moon, but the lack of substantial magic on all of our parts was concerning. This time would be different because I would do the spell alone in the circle. They didn’t know, but I’m pretty sure it had to be broken by a Belladonna, only a Belladonna.
We all got to work starting the spell. At this point they knew enough of the drill that they easily picked up what we needed to do. The circle was finished within thirty minutes. Now every day till the end, we would come to add things, increasing the power until hopefully we had enough to break the spell.
The spell work was what I needed to give my mind a break, but now I knew what might have happened. Looking at Aeon, he nodded at me.
“I have everything ready, we just need to get Serena’s body.” He said the last part with a wince like he knew I might be upset.
“OK,” I said, worried about what it would do to me to see her.
“I’ll get her,” Lucien said, but Mr. Potter appeared with Serena in his arms.
I looked away immediately as the pain surfaced.
“We don’t have to do this,” Lucien said, coming closer to me.
“She said she had so much to tell me.” I fell into his embrace again.
“Do it, she deserves answers,” Zev said, behind me.
“Ok.” Aeon’s voice sounded unsure, but I heard him moving around.
Once a few minutes had passed, I heard him mumbling. The rise of power made the room feel hot and heavy, like a sauna. I couldn’t not look anymore, peeking over my shoulder to see Aeon standing with Serena on a table with candles, a few bowls, and a circle of salt around them. Aeon’s eyes glowed like he was having a vision, but he was mumbling something. The circle glowed with power as I felt the veil between the afterlife and our world.
“He’s not going to get in trouble, is he?” I pulled away from Lucien worried he was doing something illegal or would pull ill favor with the gods. I had never seen necromancy. I had heard about it, but not many people practiced it.
“Necromancy is completely legal, or it used to be as long as he doesn’t re-inanimate the dead,” Zev said, standing closer to me. “At least it was when he was practicing when we were younger. He was the best when it came to making winning wars easier.”
Aeon’s words became slower, I could feel his power waning. He wasn’t going to bring her back. I tried to keep the disappointment off my face when he gave up, but Aeon kept chanting. That’s when I felt the surge of power not just around me, but also in me.
I heard a grunt when I gasped at the immense feeling. This wasn’t regular power, this felt old and all consuming, almost like death. Falling to my knees, I shivered from the lightning feeling of the power.
I could hear my name being called, but all I could focus on was the power and then it faded as quickly as it came. My breathing was coming in pants when I heard her voice.
“What the fuck was that?” Zev growled, as he helped me up.
“Oh, thank god, I was hoping he would bring me back,” Serena said, while I took in her corporeal form close to her body.
My lips trembled from her loss, but she was here and all I could think of was that I was dreaming. Glancing at Aeon, he looked passive, not like his usual self; it was almost like someone else was inhabiting his body. I didn’t know if it was the power of holding the spell or the immense power I had just felt.
“Katarina, I don’t know how much time I have left, but I have so much to tell you and now that I’m dead, I can tell you everything.” She motioned me closer.
Hearing her say that she was dead was enough for a few tears to fall down my face. I tried to keep my emotions tamped down when all I wanted to do was hold her and cry for her. I wanted to tell her I was going to miss her and how dare she leave me behind.
Once she saw my face, her face slipped into sadness.
“As much as I want to comfort you, and tell you everything is going to be ok, we don’t have time for that. Know that I love you and I will see you again, just not any time soon. I’ll be watching you kick ass and show everyone who’s boss.”
I walked closer to her, getting my shit together. I couldn’t waste this time wallowing. I needed every piece of information in hopes of surviving this curse and breaking it.
“Ok, I’m ready,” I said, knowing that what was about to come out of her mouth was going to be crazy and this would hopefully be our game changer.