“Fuck you! You don’t know shit!” he yelled, as I noticed a vein on his forehead pop out. “I’m stronger than you could imagine, I've sacrificed a lot to get where I am, to get the power that I have. This is only the beginning of what we have planned.”
Now, Lucien! Blow it up!I yelled.
I turned around to run away when my body spasmed, making me fall to my knees, dropping Aeon. I snarled when I couldn’t get up, and instead fell forward as another jolt of electricity ran through my body.
I looked over at Lucien who was on the ground unconscious.
Caston laughed, “You think I’m that dumb.”
“Yeah, I did,” I said, through clenched teeth. “I can still feel our bond.”
The aftershocks were still running through my body.
“Well then, I guess she will feel us kill you.” He knelt by my head. “I’m sad she won’t see you die; I do love Katarina’s tears. They also taste good when I’m fucking her raw. Maybe I will find her, keep her as my pet as I do all the depraved things in my head to her.” He smiled at me, slapping my cheek as he assaulted my mind. He threw images of him with Katarina, and what he would do to her. He slapped my cheek again before turning around. “Get them ready.”
My mind felt like mush, but the anger and heartache made me hesitate. I growled at him trying to get my limbs working as another jolt of electricity hit me. The pain made my vision spotty.
“Cast, are we sure we want to do this?”
“Did I ask for your fucking opinion?” he snarled, at whoever had spoken to him.
“The goddess will be displeased, Cast. We can’t afford to make her mad.” The man sounded nervous. “It goes against the laws of nature.”
“Then leave, you worthless fool,” Caston snarled. “But I will remember this and when you need help, I won't come to your aid.”
“There might not be a coven left for you to lead if you go through this, are you willing to risk that? All your hard work down the drain for what? A vendetta?” The man's voice sounded more confident.
My vision cleared so I could see the man's head chopped off. It rolled over to me, thankfully, he landed with his eyes away from me.
“Anyone have any concerns they would like to bring up to me?”
Caston looked around the group of people. When no one said anything he ordered us to be prepared. A large man grabbed me, tying my hands behind my back, murmuring an incantation to make them stronger. He did the same with my pack, each of us inside the circle facing each other. Aeon was still knocked out, worrying me that he was dying. I guess it didn’t matter if this was our end.
I looked at Lucien who looked to be out of it, but he must have felt my gaze when he looked at me. A tear fell down his cheek, his lips quivered as he took a shaky breath.
“She’s free, that’s all that matters,” he whispered. “Her and the baby are free.”
“That’s all that matters,” I said, worried her life was going to be ten times harder without us. The loss of all of her mates was going to destroy her, but the baby should give her hope.
“We can visit during Samhain, we will see her grow up,” Lucien said, more to himself than me. “As long as she’s safe.”
I wanted to comfort him, but what could I really say? We failed? I failed you again? They started to surround us, setting different things in the circle. A feeling of deja vu hit me, making me wonder how close this spell was to the one that Vivienne had cast on us.
“Today will mark the day our coven rose to power!” Caston yelled. “We will defeat the Belladonnas, make them fall to their knees, or we will kill them all!”
“I hope she goes back to her coven, warns her father or all of this will have been for nothing. I’ll rest happy when I know my mate, your magic-less wife, was the reason you died and failed again.” Lucien sneered at Caston.
Buckle up boys, your woman is here. Yippie kai-yay, Motherfuckers.
I didn’t have a chance to be happy for the sound of her voice when a boom of fire took out half the circle. Something blurred by me as another boom sounded.
“They are still here!” Caston snarled, looking around like a mad man.
Where are you?Lucien asked, looking around for her.He’s fucking crazy, Kit Kat, please be careful.
I was looking around searching for my mate. One of the vampires was here with her, but I didn't see Ryder or the other vampire. My body was still sluggish as I pulled on my restraints. The need to get to Katarina was overwhelming.
Where are you?