It turned into chaos all around us as fire began taking over. When there was no response from her again, I pulled at my restraints even harder.
“Open up, baby.”
I was about to say something when a vial was put up against my mouth. Its contents were quickly drained, my restraints were broken and another vial was put in my hand.
“Drink up, your mate needs you. I’ll get the fire dude.”
It was one of the vampires, but he disappeared just as quickly as he arrived. Before I even had a chance to think about it, I swallowed the liquid. I ran to Aeon, pushed his head back, pouring the contents of the vial in his mouth, hoping the liquid would go down smoothly.
Then I felt it, whatever I drank started working. The pain in my body receded and my magic felt recharged. Ripping Aeon’s restraints, I picked him up hoping he would wake up soon.
When I looked around, Katarina had the grounds looking like chaos. I had no idea what kind of plan she had worked out, but she had them running around in utter dismay. Aeon stirred as I tried to get us out of the way when someone tackled me. Aeon landed on top of me, pushing the air out of my lungs. A sword came down with electricity swirling around it as I rolled away before it could hit me.
I looked up and Caston was swinging for me again, so I punched the ground beneath me. I expected to make the ground shake, but I was surprised when the ground cracked, creating a large chasm. Caston looked panicked trying to dart away from the breaking ground. He barely got onto a side when the ground shifted, taking a few people down the crevice I had just made.
“What the fuck is happening?” Aeon’s voice was rough.
A scream tore through the night.
I look quickly.
“We were tricked, Katarina just saved our asses and now we need to kill Caston.”
I ran away from Caston in search of Katarina hoping that we could find her. Lucien had a wall of fire up as he fought a few men. Aeon and I fought through a few more men, but the more we fought, the more frantic I was becoming. I just needed to fucking see her.
I shifted, thinking this would make it easier to run around and find her. Jumping on a back, I realized it was the vampire, so I jumped onto the next person biting into their neck and ripping out a chunk.
“You're welcome!” He yelled.
I rolled my eyes, but I felt extreme gratitude towards him, his brother and Ryder, even though I was mad she came back for us. We turned a corner and that’s when I saw her. Her hair was flared out, she had one person in the air, another one wrapped in a vine, a wall of fire behind her and someone in front of her with water coming out of their mouth. Katarina just discovered her magic of air and water.
That’s when I realized what we were as a pack; we were the five elements and Katarina just completed us with her magic. Aeon growled behind me pulling me from my trance. Glancing behind me, Aeon’s eyes were completely black as he laid his hand on the ground. Hairs on the back of my neck stood up when he re-animated the dead around us. Bodies around us stood up from the ground and everyone just stopped, looking dumbstruck.
Air, water, fire, earth and spirit.
No one knew what to do. Shit, I didn’t know what to make of it, but if this was how we won, if this was how we gained our freedom, then who the hell cared.
Katarina yelled from my right, walking towards us. Her hair was blowing behind her and her skin was flushed with a glow. She was still in leggings, a big sweatshirt ripped in different places and her Converse, but this woman… this woman was a Goddess. I didn’t know what I was doing until I knelt before her. Aeon did the same, as did everyone in his control. Lucien was walking towards us, focused only on her.
“My queen,” he said, while kneeling. “Your pack is ready to do your bidding,” he bowed his head down.
“We are at your command,” I said, keeping my eyes down.
“Always at your service,” Aeon said, behind me.
I wanted to look up, but something kept my head down. Lucien gasped as she walked by him. She walked towards me, tilting my chin up. Her violet eyes were vibrant and I felt the connection, but so much stronger. She passed by me doing what I presumed was the same thing to Aeon.
“Hello wife. You think you can win with a couple of dead people?” Caston snarled while walking to us.
“You know what doesn’t make sense, Caston?” Katarina asked in a bored tone. “What’s with the vendetta?”
“Vendetta?” He laughed. “You think it’s a vendetta against you?”
“God no, your tiny brain can’t comprehend something that elaborate,” she said, matter-of-factly.