Rushingoutofbed,I stumble and smack my head on the corner of the dresser. The pain is blazing. Tears involuntarily gush out of my eyes. Ugh! Suddenly, thick, warm liquid oozes over my eyebrow. I reach up to touch the sore spot. Blood, just great.I rise to my feet and go to the bathroom to check out the damage.
Just as I suspect, there is a small cut over my left eyebrow. It’s not deep enough to need stitches; head wounds just bleed easily. I don’t have time for this! Grabbing the blue hand towel next to the sink, I apply pressure while brushing my teeth. I turn on the shower, hoping it will heat up quickly. When I pull the towel away, the wound looks like it’s at least stopped bleeding.
After the shower, the wound starts to ooze slightly again. I look through the cabinet for supplies, hoping for a bandage. Unfortunately, the only one I find is a hot pink zebra print one. Alright, guess I’m going to stand out today.I quickly place the covering over the area and dress in my power suit. It’s a green pencil skirt and tailored blazer with a black satin and lace top. I finish the look off with sparkly black pumps with three-and-a-half-inch heels; they’re respectable, yet still stunners. Green is my power color since it enhances my blue-green eyes. Every time I wear this suit, wonderful things happen. Last time I wore it, I got my dream job as a junior realtor at a high-end real estate company that specializes in commercial property—a job I am on the verge of being late to.
I mobile order my honey-nut macchiato at the coffee shop on the corner of my office building. With haste, I practically run to the café. When I arrive, a man in his early thirties with pale blue eyes and muscular arms elbows me trying to get out the door.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m late for a flight,” he says.
“Yeah, it’s ok,” I reply, but it most definitely isnotok.
I watch as he flags down a taxi and quickly gets in.
“Sarah?” The barista watches me with a smirk. “He was handsome, huh?”
“Uh, yeah,” I laugh, “his eyes certainly were.”
I search the counter for my drink but couldn’t find it. The only other cup on the table has the name Zach on it.
“Um Anna, where’s my drink?” I ask.
“Oh,” she says as she inspects the medium drink on the table. “Looks like blue eyes stole your drink, but don’t worry. I will make you a replacement.”
I glare out the window.I don’t have time for this.My coffee is literally done in just a few minutes. I drink a quick sip. It’s a caramel honey taste of heaven. I take the stairs two steps at a time and rush to my desk. Thankfully, I beat my boss to work.Phew.I savor the taste of victory.
Twenty minutes later, my boss, Trish, strolls in. Her hair is bushy and dyed blond. She beams at me with her perfectly white veneers and waves as she enters her office. Her secretary, Sandra, is a middle-aged woman with dark brunette hair, a love of Ghirardelli chocolate, and a no-nonsense attitude.
My desk phone rings. “Hi Sandra, how can I help you?”
“Trish is ready for you now,” Sandra says with uncharacteristic tenderness.
“Ok,” I say. “On my way.”
I take one last sip of my delectable drink and practically glow with happiness. My ninety-day on-the-job trial period just ended, and I just know I am about to get a raise and a full-time position. I stand up, smooth out the wrinkles on my skirt, and confidently knock on Trish’s office door.
“Come in,” she says.
I walk inside and smile brightly at her. She returns the smile and motions for me to sit in the chair directly across from her. I gracefully take the seat and notice her glance at the zebra print bandage on my forehead, but thankfully she does not ask about it.
“Now, Sarah. This week ends your temporary period here” she states.
“Yes, I am excited to start the next phase,” I confidently reply.
“You’ve done excellent here, and I am confident that you are going to do very well as a realtor. You have the brains, the charisma, and the no-nonsense attitude that we love here at Mitchell Real Estate.”
“Thank you so much,” I say, blushing.
“I really hate to do this to such a wonderful employee.” She pauses as my heart plummets. “The economy is just not in our favor right now. We need to downsize our staff. Unfortunately, that means I have to let you go.”
Cue the whistling wind, rumbling thunder, and earth-shattering quake. Ok, that’s an exaggeration, but this is not what I expected. My bruised ego claws at my heart and threatens to burst out of my eyes.
“Oh,” I say simply because I can’t think of anything else.
“I know. I feel awful. I promise to give you an excellent recommendation to anyone lucky enough to have you. Sandra said she will help you clean up your cubicle. I need you out by ten o’clock this morning. I will make sure your hefty commission from the last sale will clear this afternoon.”