Trish stands and outstretches her hand, signifying the end of our meeting.
I stand, shake her hand, and immediately walk out the door. Sandra is already at my cubicle waiting for me. She touches my shoulder with sympathetic puppy dog eyes.
“I know how much you wanted this job, Sarah,” she whispers in my ear as she hugs me. “Don’t worry, everything happens for a reason. Something even better will come along.”
“Thanks,” I sniff. I look around my cubicle, not much here except for a picture of me and my boyfriend Rick, some personalized pens, and a sweater.
“I guess I don’t need any help packing up.” I look to Sandra. “I must’ve known on some level that I wouldn’t be staying long.”
“Take care, hun. I promise everything is going to be okay.” Sandra squeezes my arm just before she walks back to her desk.
I grab my one small box and with sadness in my heart, I leave my key with Sandra before walking out. Luckily, most of the other staff are out at locations across the city so there is no walk of shame even though it still feels like it.
Well, trusty power suit, you failed me.
I amble towards my luxury apartment knowing that, at New York rent prices, I have a limited amount of time left here. Even with the robust deposit from my last commission, I have enough to cover maybe three months, but only if I stick to ramen noodles and don’t buy any more shoes. I reach my apartment door in what feels like no time. Struggling with the box, I shuffle things to find my keys just as the door opens.Rick.
“Oh hi,” he says with hesitation.
“Oh, I am so happy you’re here,” I say as I push past him and put down my box. I glance around the apartment and notice a few packing boxes.
“What’s going on?” I question and turn to face him.
“Sarah—”that hesitation again. “Gosh, this is hard. Look, things just aren’t working out. I met someone else,” he finished lamely.
“Are you serious?” I ask with a trembling voice; my head pounds and heart squeezes.
“Sarah, I’m sorry. You’ve just been so preoccupied lately. You haven’t had time for me. It’s been coming for a while. You had to know.” He shrugs defensively.
I just stare at him as I sit down dumbfounded.This day is just great.
I watch him stack the boxes up and close the door behind him. He left his key on the dining table. And just like that, the end of a three-year relationship. I just gave him my key last month. Things were moving towards an actual future. I guess he had a point, though. I was more focused on my career than on my love life.
Wait, was he cheating on me? I bet it was that brunette from his company party last month. Three years, how could he just leave like that? He seemed so uncaring and almost robotic. It felt like getting broken up via text. I spent the last few years of my life with this guy and he barely showed any emotion. I want to scream at him, but instead, I sit down, letting the sadness seep out of my heart.
After rummaging through the back of the fridge, I find my secret stash of Reese’s peanut butter cups I hid for a rainy day. I sit on the couch and immediately devour four of them. I think this was the rainiest day I’ve had in a while.
“Dr.Walker,hereisyour receipt. We hope you enjoyed your stay,” the hotel front desk agent says with a wide smile. The pupils of her eyes are so dilated that they almost obscure her brown irises. That’s a sure sign of attraction. I have to keep the conversation nice, not flirty.
“Thank you, um, Trina.” I smile politely at her. “Have a great day.”
She stares at me like a puppy hoping for a treat. Hopefully, my bored smile will gently let her down. I'm ready to be home. This year’s veterinary conference was full of exciting new information and the latest surgical techniques. The mixers and women were the same as always, though. Single women looking for a hook-up, veterinarians and hotel visitors alike, are far too aggressive at these things. Some men like forward women, but I’m old-fashioned and I find it too intimidating.
I glance at my watch; the leather band is scratched and peeling.I should really replace this.It was the last gift from my wife before she died. I simply can’t bear to get a new one. Remembering why I looked at my watch in the first place, I realize there are only two and a half hours until my flight back to Vermont. Just enough time to grab a cup of coffee.
I pull out my phone and search for the closest coffee shop. Amazingly, there is a place just down the street underneath a realtor’s office. I click on the app to mobile order a medium caramel macchiato.Your order will be ready in six minutesthe notification flashes across the top of my cell.
I hustle to the coffee shop just as my stomach loudly demands sustenance. I enter the café, pulling the door open harder than I mean to. The twenty-something barista jumps.
“Sorry, the wind caught it,” I downplay it.
“Oh,” she giggles. “Yeah, that happens sometimes. How can I help you?”
“Well, I mobile ordered my drink, but on my way here I realized I’m hungry,” I reply.