Page 98 of Dead Wrong

Camryn turned her leg to admire the boot. “They do look fabulous, don’t they?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be with West?” I asked her.

“I switched teams. He was too bossy.”

“Where’s Josie?” I asked.

“She switched teams,” Gun said. “She was too bossy.”

I stifled a groan.

“How many animals are left?” Gun asked.

“Three,” I said. “The snake, the wild boar, and the goat.” I tried not to choke on the word ‘goat.’ I was still mortified that I’d caught the wrong one.

“The snake is on its way to the Castle,” Vaughn announced, emerging from the trees behind Gun. “It was a slippery sucker, but I once spent a week in the Amazon rainforest tracking a target. I became very adept at handling large snakes.”

Gun snickered. “I think you were an expert long before then.”

I started to feel optimistic we could pull this off. “Okay, one wild boar and one goat. Let’s go.”

We fanned out in the forest. Brody accompanied me in the direction of Sawmill Creek. The snow crunched beneath our sensible boots as we walked.

“I appreciate your help, Brody. You didn’t have to get involved.”

“Are you kidding? This is the most fun I’ve had in ages. Feels like a holiday.”

“I’m glad we could entertain you during your stay.”

“Apparently, Magnarella thinks you’re responsible for the magical herd, you know.”

“Responsible how?”

“He thinks they belong to you.”

I laughed, relieved that the vampire monster remained clueless about my real abilities. “Has he hassled you about not killing me yet?”

“Of course, but I’ve given him believable excuses.” His arm suddenly shot in front of me to keep me still.

I followed his gaze to the bank of the creek where three snarling wolves had Sage surrounded. I wasn’t sure what I was witnessing, until I spotted the wild boar tangled in a net hanging from a thick tree branch. Beneath the net stood West.

“Stay back,” he commanded.

“Is he talking to us or the wolves?” Brody asked.

West kept his focus on the unfolding conflict. “The wolves,” he answered. “They joined us later and didn’t have protection in place.”

“How can we help?” I whispered.

“They’re my wolves. I’ll handle it.”

I could only imagine the thoughts racing through his mind. He didn’t want to hurt members of his pack, but he couldn’t let them hurt Sage either.

The largest of the three wolves lunged at Sage. In dodging his fangs, the fae tumbled into the icy creek.

“Sage!” The look on West’s face was unmistakable. He didn’t just fear for someone’s life. He feared forherlife.

Sage was the woman he was in love with.