Page 99 of Dead Wrong

The alpha’s wolf form exploded from his human one. His massive body cut straight through the trio of wolves and knocked them aside like they were pins in a bowling lane. Water splashed as he ran into the creek. Using his sharp teeth, he grabbed Sage by her coat collar and dragged her to the other side. He covered her body with his, using his fur coat to keep her warm.

Still feeling the effects of the wild boar, the three wolves started to fight each other. Brody quickly interceded, using vines to rope the wolves and tie their paws together.

“How is she?” I yelled across the creek.

Sage nudged the wolf aside and sat upright. “I’m okay. Just cold and wet.”

West reverted to his human form. I glanced away before I saw more of the alpha than I cared to.

My phone buzzed in my pocket.We’ve got the goat, Gun’s message said.Does that make us the GOAT?

“All seven are accounted for,” I announced.

West helped Sage to her feet. “I’ll take it from here,” he said, motioning to the wolves. “Unless you need help with transporting the boar.”

“I can help with that,” Brody offered.

“You can’t risk being seen at my house. I’ll take him.”

“At least allow me to carry him to your truck.”

“I’d rather you didn’t. Just because you didn’t feel the envy of the wolf doesn’t mean you won’t feel the boar’s wrath if you’re around it long enough.” And I wouldn’t want to be alone with Brody if that happened.

“In that case, my work here is done,” Brody said.

“What about Magnarella?”

“Good luck finding me. The vampire doesn’t have much influence beyond this area.”

“Then why pay his debt in the first place?”

“Because I’m an honorable mage, but knowing what I now know, seems more honorable to defy him.” He bowed with a flourish. “’Tis been an absolute pleasure, Lorelei Clay. I do hope our paths cross again someday.”

“Only if you’re on my team when they do.”


I did not wantto get out of bed. My body felt like it had been crushed under a steamroller and then hand-tossed like a pizza, not so much from the hunting expedition, but from the wrangling in the house that came afterward. I stared at the ceiling and prayed for mercy. At least I mended quickly—an essential element of the goddess gift basket.

The zoo in my dining room provided the motivation I needed to get out of bed. The animals were getting restless. You haven’t been properly annoyed until you’ve endured the sound of a donkey braying for forty minutes straight.

Although I took my time on the stairs, my hips protested anyway.

“You look like I did right before I died,” Nana Pratt said, observing me from the foyer.

“That’s a comforting thought. What are you doing in here?”

“You asked Ray and I to watch over the animals while you slept. Don’t you remember?”

I had a vague memory of grunting at the ghosts and crawling upstairs to my bedroom. “The donkey is noisy.”

“They’re hungry. I wasn’t sure what to feed them. Do they need nectar or some other special god food?”

I stretched my back, which resulted in a satisfying popping sound. “I’ll feed and water them.” But first I needed to feed and water myself. It’s like they tell you on the airplane—put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others.

Ray appeared in the kitchen as I chowed down on a bowl of Cheerios topped with blueberries.

“That donkey needs to go,” he said.