Page 78 of Dead Wrong

“Hey! You can’t go in there.”

“I’d like to see these vicious beasts and determine whether Dantalion’s theory has any merit.”

“This is my house. You do not have…”

The bastard made a run for it.

I gave chase. He made it halfway to the dining roombefore I reached him. I chopped the back of his knee, and he went crashing down on the other knee. I tried to grab him in a headlock, but he jerked to the side just in time. I fell forward and narrowly missed faceplanting on the hardwood floor. He scrambled to his feet, and I launched myself onto his back like a spider monkey. We both went tumbling to the floor. My elbow hit the wooden board with such force that I bit my tongue.

He took advantage of my brief moment of pain and rolled on top of me, pinning me beneath his muscular frame.

“You’re touching me,” he said.

“I think you’ll find you’re touching me.” I steeled my mind. If he didn’t want me in there, I’d do my damndest to stay out. Still, I was curious. “Why did you leave when you found out who I am?”

“I had to.” Damn his whisky-colored eyes. They seemed to see straight through to my soul.

“What are you afraid of?”

“You,” he said quietly.

I made no move to escape. “I won’t hurt you, Kane. I’m not sure I could even if I wanted to.”

“You can hurt me in ways you don’t understand.” He paused. “And I could hurt you.”

Our faces were no more than an inch apart. I’d insulated myself from his mind, but at this range, there was no escaping his emotions. His fear was now being overtaken by something far more powerful.


He threaded his fingers through mine. “How well can you control your powers?”

“Fairly well.” I wasn’t sure I trusted myself with Kane though. Not with so many emotions of my own pushing their way to the surface. It was hard to focus on anythingexcept the features of his face. The commanding jawline. The broad shoulders. The timbre of his voice.

His hand traveled along my waist. “Try.”

May Day! Alert! Somebody throw me a life preserver because I was in danger of drowning in a sea of desire.

“What will you give me if I do?”

Dammit. That was not supposed to be my response.

His mouth claimed mine. One touch of his soft lips and I was undone. My lips parted, inviting him in. I tasted a hint of whisky and savored the flavor.

This was the goat’s influence. It had to be. Despite my conviction, I couldn’t bring myself to put a stop to what we were doing. Lust was in the driver’s seat now, and Kane and I were its hormonal passengers.

Addison had been wrong about me. Apparently, I was weak enough to succumb to one of the sins after all.

The kiss deepened. Strong, pliant hands found my bare skin, and I shuddered.

“Cold?” he asked.

“Hot,” I said, in a voice I barely recognized. “Very hot.”

His lips grazed the curve of my neck. Every nerve in my body pulsed with anticipation.

“This is a bad idea,” he murmured.

“Bad ideas happen to be my specialty.” I rolled us over so that I was on top, straddling him.