Page 77 of Dead Wrong

“You might want to join Nana Pratt outside,” I warned.

I marched to the door, propelled by the healthy combination of anger and frustration. I flung open the door as he arrived on the front porch.

“What are you doing here?” I demanded.

Kane appeared unperturbed. “I’m surprised I was able to pass through the gate. I thought for sure you would’ve put up a special ward.”

“Just for you? Don’t flatter yourself. I figured you do a good enough job of keeping yourself out. No need to waste magic.”

“May I come in?”


He brushed past me and stepped inside. “Your house is freezing.”

I swiveled to face him. “I’m surprised you can tell.”

His mouth twitched. “Is that a reference to my cold demeanor?”

“You tell me, Mr. Ice King.”

“That’s His Majesty, the Ice King to you.” He slipped off his coat and hung it on the rack. “Nice rack.”

“Thanks. Gun bought it for me as a thank-you present.”

“I wasn’t talking about the furniture.”

I glanced down at my cleavage. I was still wearing thesame cobalt blue top with the plunging neckline. “You can’t smarm your way out of this, Sullivan.” I folded my arms, which only served to enhance my chest. My arms quickly moved to my sides. “Why are you here?”

“I came to apologize for not being more hospitable when you were at my club. I’m the consummate host. I should’ve behaved better.”

I leveled him with a look. “That’s it? That’s what you came to apologize for?”

“Is there something else?”

I resisted the urge to shove him backward, right down the steps of the front porch. “Are you serious right now?”

“I’m a prince of hell. Serious is my stock in trade.”

It was like talking to a brick wall. “You’ve made your apology. Now you can go.”

A bleating sound drew his attention to the adjoining room. “What’s that?”

“If you must know, I’ve apprehended three of the suspects, and I’m keeping two of them secure here until I have more information.”

“Suspects? It sounds like a goat.”

“I told you at the club they were animals.”

“What else do you have?”

“A donkey.”

He burst into laughter. “Saving the best for last, are we? Or are you too afraid to go after the one you really want?”

I stared at him. “I could say the same to you.”

He blew past me and headed for the dining room.