She broke into a wide smile. “I’m a quick learner.”
“It’s fair. You’ll have to put other work aside to do this. Those clients won’t be happy with you.” Depending on the client’s temperament, she may lose their business altogether.
“Were you a lawyer in another life?” she asked.
“I’ve spent time with Big Boss. Picked up a few tactics.”
Phaedra snorted. “Sure. I believe that.”
“You have my number. Give me a call when it’s done.”
“Never mind that. It’s an emergency. I’ll deliver it to your door.”
“Even better. Thanks.”
She eyed me closely. “You don’t act like someone tight on funds.”
I shrugged. “I’ll shift around a few priorities.” Who needed heat in the winter anyway? I had blankets. I was fine.
“You mentioned animals, plural. What else is out there? I’ve got chickens to protect.”
“I don’t get the sense they’re behaving like typical wild animals. There was a wild boar in a nightclub.”
“Who blew up there?”
“Nobody, but there was a mighty brawl. And when the nature mage tried to kill me in the woods, we saw an enormous she-wolf, bigger than any of the local wolves. I ended up saving my would-be assassin from her.”
Phaedra laughed. “I don’t even know how to respond to that.”
“The wolf had one strange characteristic. Her eye.” I shuddered. “The way she looked at me was intense and not in a good way. I felt like she had a grudge against me.” Probably because I snatched Brody from her jaws of death.
Phaedra grew pale. “You saw the evil eye, Lorelei. You said the wolf was in the woods?”
“Wild Acres. She could’ve come through the crossroads.”
“That would be my guess, but why would Invidia come here?”
“Invidia? The Roman goddess of envy?”
Phaedra blinked. “Yes. I’m surprised you knew that.”
“I could say the same to you.”
Her lips compressed in a smile. “Witches are well acquainted with envy. It’s probably our number one vice.”
“Something you struggle with?” I asked.
“Not personally. Mine falls into the eating too much junk food before bed category. Better for humanity, but worse for my waistline.”
I considered her theory. “I don’t recall Invidia being associated with a wolf, though.”
“Maybe not that goddess specifically, but a wolf is known as the animal aspect of envy.”
“I thought it was a dog, like two dogs fighting over a bone.”
Phaedra shrugged. “Depends on the source.”
An idea slid front and center in my mind. “Envy makes perfect sense. Theft and burglary crimes have increaseddramatically in town.” And Kane had mentioned that Alfonso seemed like he was under a spell when he coveted Gun’s car. It could’ve been the wolf’s influence.