Page 65 of Dead Wrong

Phaedra stirred the spoon around in her tea. “Is that unusual for the holiday season? Seems like it might be a normal uptick.”

“Chief Garcia says otherwise.” I debated whether to divulge the related information. Phaedra had proven herself trustworthy so far, and it seemed only fair to share details that allowed her to protect herself. “There have been other incidents in town recently.”

Her gaze flicked to me. “Like what?”

“A murder-suicide that doesn’t make sense. Two victims that burst with pride. Then there’s thundersnow…”

She let go of the spoon and it continued to slide around the interior of the cup. “What about the murder-suicide? Do you think that was envy?”

“It depends. If all seven deadly sins are at play, then it could be wrath and lust working in tandem. Maybe envy too. It’s hard to know at this point.” It certainly explained the random animals on the loose. They were spreading their sins through town like the plague.

Phaedra wrapped her hands around her cup. “I’m not sure I want to know the rest.”

“You might want to take precautions for more than your chickens.” Phaedra lived alone at the farm, which was fairly isolated from the rest of town.

“I appreciate your concern, Lorelei. I’ll strengthen the wards around the property before bed.”

I cleared my throat. “Speaking of wards, I was hoping I might be able to upgrade mine soon.”

She cocked her head. “What kind of upgrade are you thinking?”

“Something stronger than an alert. I had an intruder recently, and I’d like to make sure that never happens again.”

Phaedra recoiled. “I’m so sorry to hear that. Were you hurt?”

Only emotionally. “No, but I don’t want to take any more chances. I know the magic is pricey, though, and you’ve got a full client list.” I wasn’t sure how to proceed. I couldn’t quite bring myself to ask for a favor, no matter how desperate I was. Maybe I was about to burst from a different sort of pride.

Phaedra reached for my hand but withdrew it midway when she noticed me flinch. “I’d be happy to conjure a stronger ward for you, although it’ll take longer than the pen. Why don’t I lump together the cell and the ward, and you can pay me in installments? We’ll set up a reasonable timeframe. Interest rates are fairly high at the moment, but I’m willing to waive that because I want you to continue looking out for me.” She smiled. “Do we have a deal?”

“We do.” I hesitated. “But just so you know, I’d warn you regardless if there was danger headed your way.”

Her face softened. “I know you would, Lorelei.”


If these animalswere deadly demons in disguise running rampant through town, there was one source that could confirm or deny.

“Why are you applying mascara?” Nana Pratt asked.

I stepped back from the mirror and looked at her. “Is that a problem?”

“Not for me, but the last time you used it, you ended up with those black rings under your eyes. I worried you might be shifting into a raccoon.”

Ever since Nana Pratt learned about the existence of shapeshifters, she thought she saw them everywhere. The pumpkin in the patch was sprouting legs. The squirrel on the tree branch was chittering in English. The blackbird on the finial was … okay, that one was Kane.

I shook off the thought. I didn’t want to think about Kane in bird form or any other capacity.

“I’m making a little effort with my appearance today,” I said. “Gun told me my eyes looked tired.”

“Probably because you had mascara smudged under your eyes. I’ve never seen you wear that shirt before. Is it new?”

I glanced down at the cobalt blue top with a deep V neckline. “No, but I haven’t worn it since I left London.” I was relieved to find it still fit. New clothes were very low on the list of priorities. I’d make do with what I already owned.

“It’s a pretty color for you.”

Something in her voice gave me pause. “But?”

“I just wish it weren’t so low-cut is all. It’s showing more skin than is good and proper.”