Hope you had a swift recovery. Thinking of you. Vincenzo
My heart plummeted straight to my feet.
“Well, don’t keep me in suspense. Who’s it from?” He snatched the note from my frozen fingers. “Recovery? What’s he talking about?”
“He sent someone to attack me last night outside Monk’s.”
“Are you serious? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because you were too busy talking about you.”
Gun tossed the card on the table. “If this friendship isgoing to work, you should know a couple things about me. One, I am my favorite topic of conversation, but if I have a friend in need, that moves to the top of the list—temporarily, of course. Two, you can tell me anything, and I won’t judge you.” He paused. “Okay, that’s not strictly true. I will judge you in my head for about two seconds, and then I will move past it to support you.”
“I appreciate the transparency.”
“On that note, is there anything I should know?” He looked at me expectantly.
“Someone or something attacked me in the parking lot at Monk’s,” I said.
He examined me. “You don’t look too worse for wear, other than that bruise on your forehead.”
I touched the spot where the rock had pelted me. “It bruised already?”
“You don’t know who did it?”
I shook my head. “He was like a shadow. He threw things at me and then ran off.”
“Sounds more like a ten-year-old than a monster.” He paused. “Although they can often be one and the same.”
“I don’t think Magnarella is in the business of hiring children.”
“No, but he clearly decided to make good on his threat.”
“Chucking rocks at me seems kind of lame for one of his henchmen.”
“You’re right. Maybe he went with cheap labor.” His gaze slid to the flowers. “I don’t suppose you’re planning to report this to Chief Garcia.”
“No point. Magnarella is outside her domain.” And worse, she didn’t know it. The chief of police could easily get herself killed over a supernatural feud. I refused to allow it.
Gun gave me a hesitant look. “There’s always a certain of prince of hell.”
I shook my head. “Absolutely not. Don’t breathe a word to him.”
“Why not? He’d want to know.”
“Trust me, Gun. Kane doesn’t want to know as much as you think.”
He shot me a curious look. “What’s that supposed to mean? Kane Sullivan is the collector of secrets. He wants all the dirt on everyone.”
I dropped the subject. “Are we sure the flowers aren’t poisoned?”
Gun leaned over to sniff them. “I doubt it. The vampire is toying with you, but if it makes you feel better, I can give them a quick exam. Free of charge.”
“Better safe than sorry.”
He rolled up his sleeve and selected a tarot card. “This one should work.” He held up The Sun card and proceeded to scan the flowers with it.
“How long did it take you to master a poison detection spell?” I asked.