“Other than waking up in the tundra, yes. Is your house always this cold in the morning?”
“No, this is a new problem for Lorelei.”
“It isn’t as bad as someone stealing your car.”
I eyed him. “This isn’t a small violin competition, Gun.”
“Why don’t I make breakfast?”
I folded my arms. “Because you don’t trust my cooking?”
“In return for letting me stay.” He shook his head. “Someone’s grumpy sunshine when she first wakes up. I’d ditch the attitude, or you’ll lose the first guy you persuade to stay the night.”
“I don’t need to persuade anybody.”
Gun offered a Mona Lisa smile as he sailed into the kitchen.
A prickling sensation alerted me to a visitor. After last night’s attack, I wasn’t taking any chances. Keeping my back flat against the wall, I maneuvered my way to the foyer. I peeked outside and was confronted by a cascading floral arrangement.
My pulse sped up. Maybe these were an offer of apology from Kane. I opened the door.
“Oh, what gorgeous flowers!” Nana Pratt enthused from the front porch.
The deliveryman peered around the side of the arrangement. “Lorelei Clay?”
“That’s me.”
“I heard somebody bought this old house.” He looked past me into the foyer. “No furniture yet?”
I guess I could add ‘flower delivery guy’ to the list of people judging my choices. “It’s a work in progress.”
“Speaking of work, you should put more salt on the bridge. It’s slippery.”
“I used up my supply, and Hewitt’s is sold out,” I said, inhaling the floral scent. I wasn’t big on sweet fragrances, and these flowers were the perfect combination of citrus and rosy.
“Yeah, nobody was expecting this weather. There was nothing in the forecast and then bam! Mother Nature’s revenge.”
Gunther’s head poked into the foyer. “Are you almost finished flirting with the deliveryman? I have a crisis; in case you’ve forgotten.”
“Sorry to keep you. Somebody must really like you. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get some of these flowers this time of year?” He thrust the delivery into my hands. “Enjoy.”
“Thanks.” I closed the door and carried the arrangement into the kitchen, setting it in the middle of the table.
“Aren’t you going to read the card?” Gun asked.
“Where is it?”
He looked at me sideways. “You act like you’ve never been sent flowers before.” He plucked the card from the little stick in the middle of the arrangement and handed it to me. His eyes narrowed. “Dear gods. You’ve never been sent flowers before.”
“I don’t know. I can’t remember.”
“Of course you know. Everybody remembers the flowers they’ve received.” His voice softened. “I’m not mocking you for it, Lorelei. I just wasn’t expecting that to be the case.”
I forced a smile that probably fell somewhere between pathetic and deranged. “Because I’m so friendly and outgoing?”
Gun patted my hand. “Sure, let’s go with that.”
My hand trembled as I opened the small envelope to read the card. An apology from Kane would make everything better. I’d stop complaining about the weather. I’d even stop torturing him in my dreams.