"We'll talk later," she said and I nodded.
It wasn't long after taking a seat that my name was called and both Lilly and Kit accompanied me into Doctor Simone's room. After introductions, I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes, allowing myself to meditate for a short while as Doctor Simone prepared. I honestly felt numb. My mind and body felt numb and I wasn't sure I'd ever feel like myself again.
Too much had happened and I was so afraid all the time. Being a parent was terrifying enough without the added worry. Once we were done, Kit would need to return to Delta to try and find more intel on his father's whereabouts. He sounded confident when he said he didn't think we'd see him again. That he was using that one fight to mask everything, to use as a permanent fixture thathismain guy had won and claimed the title. Once he had that he could start a fresh, hiring new fighters to train. Hiring new employees to work with. That meant he wasn't only valuable to Kit for obvious reasons, but he had to be found because of his intentions. He was literally a madman on the loose.
"Okay, I'll just be a few moments finding him or her."
By now, I knew everything that was going to be said to me. The only difference was that the private hospital had something to offer that the public hospital didn't have.
"You ready to see them in 3D?" Doctor Simone asked, shortly after finding our baby and checking that everything was okay.
Once we knew that, we were able to enjoy seeing our baby’s beautiful face in 3D. They had a cute button nose and puckered lips. My heart melted and by the looks of it, so did Lilly's. Kit just stared, looking absolutely gobsmacked. He was hard to read and eventually he smiled at me, picking up my hand as he had done before to kiss my skin.
Once outside, Lilly gushed some more over the 3D images and we each got a drink in the cafe, absorbing what we'd just seen.
The cafe was empty so it meant we could speak quietly in the corner without being heard. I answered any questions Lilly had and so did Kit, sipping on his coffee in-between.
"I wanna teach Eve how to drive," he said to her and I shot my eyes at him.
"Hear me out," he said as we both stared at him.
He placed his cup down and leaned in closer.
"In case for whatever reason you ever need to get away, you'll always know how to jump in a car and drive."
I thought about it for a while as they both stared at me.
"What do you think?" he asked.
I nodded, agreeing that being able to drive away should I ever need to would be the best thing to do for the baby.
"I'm in."
* * *
Kit had drivenus to Delta just to teach me how to drive. It felt weird to drive here just to take a few mandatory circles around a carpark. Nonetheless, we needed the protection that came from practising on the grounds. Passing the security stations, as always I sat uncomfortably ready to dart at the mere sight of masked men. I decided to stare at my lap instead, wondering if I'd ever be able to face a masked man again without cacking myself. Once we passed the two buildings, I tried to rid my mind of the last memories I had here with Maddie and how she'd outed Kit to me. Since then, I'd not had much desire to speak to Kit about her. I knew she'd been knocked from the team, but that's as much as I did know. That didn't mean she'd been knocked from Delta. Part of me hoped she hadn't been fired completely. I knew that made me sound crazy after the trouble she caused. I really did feel sorry for her alongside the obvious hate I felt towards her for trying to break me and Kit up. After all, she loved Kit and I felt for her knowing how she must have been feeling. I still thought she was bloody crazy, nonetheless. My mind then wandered to the fight that had happened afterwards, wiping all thoughts of Maddie from my mind as like every time, my own screams echoed in my ears just remembering it. I blinked a few times and focused. We were currently in Jason's land rover and it was night time, which meant Delta was pretty quiet. Once past the two main buildings Kit drove us through sections of woodland until I saw for myself the training grounds with built-up assault courses. They were situated within the woods and were well-lit. Furthest away from the building was a large stretch of payment. I assumed this was to be my training ground.
"Why is this here?" I asked.
"We sometimes use this as a place to run laps. Most of the time it's left empty so we won't be disturbed here."
I nodded, preparing myself for this. Once I was ready, I got out of the car and passed Kit as he headed for the passenger side. Once he'd stopped me halfway to kiss me, I pulled away and stared back at him as I got into the driver's seat.
"Okay, you ready? " he asked and I nodded as I pulled the seatbelt across my body.
Once I'd positioned the chair to suit me, I waited for him to start.
"So, this is the gear stick, this is the handbrake."
I nodded, already knowing all of this.
"You see those three pedals at your feet?"
"I think so…" I said sarcastically and Kit eyed me.
"Yes, I can see them."
"From the left, that's the clutch, brake and accelerator - that's what makes you go faster."