Again I nodded.

"Why can't I just learn in your car?"

"Because my car is electric. It's an automatic. You need to know how to drive a manual in case you ever get caught needing to drive one."

That made sense.

* * *

Kit reachedover to turn the car on and my heart started beating as the car revved, pressuring me with just the sound...

"Okay, you're gonna press down the clutch and place it into first gear. Then you're gonna slowly let go of the clutch until you feel a bite."

I listened to him carefully, then nodded.

"You can do this, Eves," he said.

I placed my hands on the wheel and did as he said. Taking a deep breath, I released my foot from the clutch and the car chugged forward before stopping abruptly.

"Shit," I cursed as Kit reached over to turn it back on.

"No big deal, you stalled. Try again, only slower."

Frowning, with more determination, I tried again.

"You took your foot off too quickly."

I did the same again, this time trying to be more gentle in taking my foot off. The same happened again and I sighed as the car chugged at me. Again, I tried and the same thing happened.

"Not sure Jason was aware of the damage that would be inflicted to his car when he offered to let us use it," Kit smirked.

I glared at him, feeling more angered. I tried again, this time the car edged forward slowly and I stared past the steering wheel.

"That's it," Kit said. "Now, don't forget to steer."

I did just that and brought the car to the edge of the pavement before turning the wheel.

"Don't wait until the last minute to turn."

I was listening to everything he was saying, but didn't answer. Instead, I focused on driving.

"Okay, in a second, you're gonna press the brake slightly before pressing the clutch down and placing it into park."

I didn't answer and I could feel him staring at me.

"Okay?" he asked just before I was about to press the brake and it caught me off guard. I pressed the brake too hard and again the car jolted forward and eventually stalled.

"Jesus, Eves," Kit said, holding onto the handle above his head.

"You distracted me!"

"You could just answer me," he said as I sat back in my seat, smacking my hands against the wheel.

"Again," Kit said and I glared over at him.

"Don't hate the teacher," he said looking at me.

"I don't hate the teacher. The teacher is pissing me off though. You're not training one of your men at Delta! Back off."