"I'm gonna be sick," I said holding my throat.

Points to Leanne—she was quick. Within seconds she had a brown plastic bowl beneath my chin, and the feeling of sickness became a reality as I threw up into it.

"God, Eves." Lilly rushed over to me and placed her arm closely around me.

Once I was done, I thanked Leanne and she placed the tub on the side.

"Come sit down, sweetie."

I did as she said.

The shaking stopped shortly after and Leanne left briefly to get rid of the brown bowl. When she returned she had a cup of diluted juice in her hand.

"Drink tiny amounts at a time," she said.

I nodded and took a sip from the glass. I really didn't want to drink anything, all I could think about was why I was bleeding.

"If you're comfortable with me doing an internal examination, I'll do that shortly. We need to take some blood before you leave, too."

"What for?" Lilly asked.

"We've done tests before to check for diabetes amongst other things, but we need to do them again because it can progress during pregnancy. I don't think that's what's happening here. I just need to rule everything out."

"What do you think it is?"

Good job Lilly's mouth was still working because mine had stopped, and she was asking everything that I was thinking.

"I think in all honesty that this is stress-related, are you worrying a lot?"

I looked at Lilly and her eyes urged me to tell the truth.

I nodded. "I have a lot happening right now and I have nightmares, I don't sleep well."

"Well, that won't help. Sounds to me like you're suffering from post-traumatic stress as well as anxiety. Both aren't good for your body or the baby."

It made sense. I felt a huge burden of guilt then, knowing I could potentially be damaging my baby by allowing this worry to consume me.

"Are you having counselling to help deal with your trauma from the kidnapping?"

Hunny, there ain't enough therapy in the world to cure me...

I shook my head. "It doesn't really work for me."

Looking from me to Lilly and back again, she waited before speaking. She knew there was more going on, she wasn't an idiot.

"Are you feeling a bit better now?" she asked.

I nodded and placed the cup down on the counter.

"Stress can cause your blood pressure to drop," the nurse explained as she began setting up the bed for me to lay down.

"You will need monitoring and you're going to need to avoid stress. I know that's easier said than done but it's needed."

Drawing the curtain around the bed Leanne left me after directing me to remove my clothing from the waist down and place a paper sheet around me. Laying down on the bed, I positioned myself and let her know I was ready. I hated examinations, they were the most uncomfortable things known to woman, and they were so cold. It wasn't natural to shove a stone-cold thing up ones chuff.

"Everything looks fine but I'm just gonna take a swab and send it off, just to ensure nothing sinister is going on that I can't see."

"Okay," I waited patiently and took a deep breath as she removed the equipment and told me to get dressed.