"Okay, Eve," she said from the other side of the curtain, if it's okay with you I'm gonna go get the equipment to take some blood so we can get it sent off."

"Okay, that's great, thank you."

It wasn't great, no one liked having their blood taken and I was thanking her for it. I rolled my eyes, pulling my bottoms back up my leg.

"How long will the blood tests take to come back?"

"We can have them back within an hour, if you can wait in the waiting area once I've sent them, they'll be done as soon as possible."

I pulled the curtain back once fully dressed and watched as Leanne left. Lilly took out her phone, and I jumped straight onto her case.

"Have you heard anything from them?"

"No,” Lilly answered quickly, "stop worrying about him, Eves. You need to stop."

"How can I stop?"

"Because it's hurting you, Eves, and possibly the baby too."

"I can't just turn it off Lil', I love him!"

"And if he were here, he'd be saying the same as me. Stop worrying."

Silence grew for a short while until Leanne returned to take my blood.

* * *

"I hate this,"Lilly said out loud.

"Yeah..." I agreed, stuck in a daydream.

"In this day in age, we have apps that can turn the heating on for us before we even get home, surely there's a quicker way to test blood."

Truth be told, I wasn't even thinking about the bloods coming back. I was too busy worrying about if I was still bleeding or not. Then, getting out of this hospital and finding out if Kit was okay. I had Lilly ring Nick's phone a bunch of times but each time, he didn't answer. I didn't have anyone else to ring.

How did I not have any of their god-damn numbers?

I cursed inwardly and sat even more impatient. I wanted to go to the toilet again, just to triple check that I had indeed stopped bleeding but my skin was legit starting to feel sore from the rubbing of tissue paper. I had only bled a little, and the nurse said that bleeding during pregnancy could be normal as could the fainting. I still had to lower my stress levels. I needed my blood pressure checked regularly and if my blood test came back as normal then I'd be able to go home. Holding onto my stomach, I glanced around the room and noticed the one other woman in here, she was further on in her pregnancy and she sat alone. Completely alone, not even a friend was with her. I felt sorry for her, without even knowing her circumstances. Then a man rushed in and sat beside her, looking around and apologising to her.

"Finally got parked," he grinned before kissing her and it made me close my eyes so that I wouldn't start crying over the fact that Kit wasn't here.

A name was called and they both stood up together and I placed my head in my hands. I heard the door to the waiting room opening but I made no attempt to look, it was only when I heard fast-paced footsteps followed by the sounds of Australian accents that I lifted my head so fast that I jolted my neck.

"Eves," Kit breathed and I stood up to take him in. As I did I felt my eyes widening, filling with tears as I stared at his battered face. I was terrified just from looking at him.

"What the hell happened to you?" Lilly asked from my side as we both stood there, totally gobsmacked.

Kit didn't answer me, he just came towards me and wrapped his arms around me as I looked over his shoulder at the rest of his brothers. Nick's face was as equally battered as Kit's. Once he pulled away I brought my hand to Kit’s face. Speechless wasn't even the word. Pure fear ran through me as I took him in and traced my finger over his busted eyebrow.

"It's nothing," he said, but I just couldn't speak.

"What are you waiting for?" Jax piped up from behind.

Each of Kit's brothers were making their way to a seat.

Were they all planning on staying?

"She's waiting for blood results back," Lilly answered him, her eyes constantly flicking back to Nick as he dabbed at his face with his sleeve. Once Kit had heard her, his eyes searched my face. I just couldn't speak, I was in total shock.