I forgot for a second that my life was in constant danger. That I always had to be afraid of the unknown. I didn't even know where Kit was, and I didn't know how much danger he was in. All I could do was worry about him. I settled on the fact that it would probably always be like this, as I thought about it longer I began to cry, knowing what that meant for my baby.

"Hey," Jax said sweetly.

"I'm sorry," I said wiping my face.

I felt like a fool for weakening in front of them and to my ultimate shock, Jason moved around the counter and held me at arms length before bringing me to his chest where he gave me a warm hug. His hand cradled the back of my head as my damn hormones unloaded onto me.

"Don't be sorry," he said gently.

Once I'd managed to compose myself a little bit he let go of me and I wiped my face clean of


"I don't know what the hell is wrong with me," I admitted.

"You're pregnant Eves, you don't need an excuse to cry," Jax said.

They both stood back, Jason held his arms crossed over his chest, resting against the counter whilst Jax kept his position situated at the other side of the counter.

"All of this would be too much for an average person to handle, don't be so hard on yourself,"

Jason added. I nodded, I couldn't believe Jason was acting so brotherly towards me. I didn't think he hated me, but I wasn't sure he cared much for me apart from the fact that I was pregnant with his niece or nephew. These brothers, despite their upbringing, were big on family, I knew that. I knew that from just being around them. It had been the first time Jason had shown me that side of him, towards me anyway.

"Do you still wanna go home?" Jax asked, and I nodded.

I needed to be alone right now.

"Can you just make sure someone rings me—let me know Kit is safe?"

They both nodded and Jason headed into the hallway where he waited for me. Smiling at Jax I hugged him as he approached me.

"Promise me you'll ring if you need us?"

I nodded, leaving to meet Jason in the hallway.

* * *

"You own a garage, right?"I asked Jason as he drove me home.

I was beginning to realise that Jason was a generally quiet person unless you spoke directly at him. It wasn't that he was rude, he just didn't speak a lot.

He nodded, "Yeah, I bought it after we moved here. In Australia, I worked in a few different garages."

"A few?"

"Yeah," he chuckled.

I wasn't interested in any of the brothers like I was Kit, even though they were all massively handsome in their own way. They were all incredibly hot when they laughed or chuckled. They all had the same trait, and it meant I couldn't help but smile along with them, despite currently feeling god awful. Worrying about Kit and wondering what the hell was going on. All I could think about was them leaving, and where they were going.

"I had a lot of time on my hands after I came back from the army."

I nodded, "I can see you in the army. You have that discipline about you."

Smiling, he thanked me but in question, wondering if it was actually a good thing.

"It makes me wonder why you don't work at Delta too, surely an ex-soldier is what they hire?"

Had I asked too much?