He brought his head to my stomach and I frowned as his ear pressed against my centre, as if he was trying to hear something. Instead, all we heard was the door slamming open and we both stared at Nick standing in the doorway.

"Where the fuck have you been? We've been calling you!"

I stared back down at Kit, fear building in my chest just listening to Nick. Reaching for his phone, he cursed.

"My fucking phone isn't working," he said after clicking the button over and over.

"What is it?" Kit gently moved me to the side and got up.

"Maddie, she thinks she's got something. She needs us there."

Nodding, Kit sped around his bed and threw his Delta bag over his shoulder before facing up to me.

"Stay here, okay?"

I frowned but nodded, not knowing fully what I was nodding at.

"Jax is here, and so are Eric and Jason," Nick then said and just like that, they were gone.

I didn't even get a chance to ask what the hell was going on. All I knew was that Maddie needed Kit and he left to get to her. I wasn't going to deny it, I was jealous. It made me sound bloody awful because for whatever reason this Maddie girl was actually trying to protect me. Whether she was under orders or not, it's what she was doing. I just felt this huge hate towards her, like she was trying to replace me by taking my spot next to Kit. All I could think was that this had come from the hurt I'd first felt knowing Lilly had seen them both locking lips. That added to the fact that I knew it was still happening, made me feel sick with jealousy. I realised I didn't want to be here as I searched my eyes around Kit's room. I wasn't sure why, but I just didn't want to be here. I was so confused and my body felt exhausted and frail on my legs.

I settled on the fact that I probably needed a relaxing bath tonight and an early night, and I wanted that at home. Gathering my things, I made tracks but heard noises coming from Jason's room. Not just any noises, guitar strings being plucked along with the soft singing that wasn't loud enough to hear clearly. It was an acoustic guitar and it didn't sound like a stereo. His door was open and I stood awkwardly wondering if he'd mind me being here. Astounded, I watched his fingers as he sat on his bed, playing like an expert.

"Wow, Jason, you can really play," I said once he saw me standing there.

"Eves!" he sounded shocked and placed his guitar down. "You scared me."

I gave him an apologetic look and glanced back at the guitar that he'd dismissed.

"You're really good," I said again and he thanked me.

"I don't really play much anymore…"

"I just dug it out of my cupboard," he added reluctantly.

"That was insanely good considering you haven't played for a while."

He smiled and I enjoyed seeing the look on his face. It wasn't often that he smiled like that. Not that I saw, anyway.

"Well, see you soon," I said and I left him sat there and frowned as I headed downstairs. Wondering if he'd ever fully like me.

* * *

"Morning, Sweetie,"Jax said to me as Jason bobbed his head after I moved aside so he could pass me. He went straight for the fridge and I gave them both a flat smile.

"I'm gonna go."

They both looked at each other and eyed me, studying me, and I wondered why.

"Okay," Jax eventually said.

"I've gotta go to work, but I can—”

"I'll drop her off," Jason cut in.

"You don't have to drop me off," I answered quickly.

Oh wait, someone did need to drop me off.